As iOS 18.2 has been released: Can anybody confirm, that the bug is fixed?
I do not see anything in the release notes for iOS 18.2 Beta 4 that mentions this bug at all.
Was your old iPad on iPadOS 16? Then you might experience the bug described in this thread.
@DTS Engineer Any update regarding iOS 18.2b2?
Feedback FB13296695.
Same issue here on iOS 16. Have you ever found a reason and/or solution?
I'm facing the same issue: The entitlement is available in the provisioning profiles for development and ad-hoc distribution, but not for App Store distribution, despite it is listed under "Enabled Capabilities". See this thread:
The issue doesn't seem to be related to the cloud managed profiles / certificates: I've just manually created a new provisioning profile with type "App Store", and despite "User Assigned Device Name" is listed in the "Enabled Capabilities", the .mobileprovision file doesn't contain the entitlement. A provisioning profile with type "Ad Hoc" contains the entitlement.
I've got the same issue with our cloud managed certificates. The entitlement is included in the provisioning profile for development ("iOS Team Provisioning Profile"), but not in the profile for distribution ("iOS Team Store Provisioning Profile"), despite "App Store" is listed in the capability's distribution restrictions.
As I'm finding here several threads about this topic, is there a general issue with the handling of this entitlement for cloud managed profiles / certificates?
Yesterday, I've written an email to developer (at), but haven't received an answer yet (honestly, I don't know if this address is supposed to receive mails... I've just answered to the entitlement confirmation mail)
I can confirm this issue. There is no option in the Web-UI to enable "Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate" for an API-Key.