The "Hide My Email" feature appears crash apps when canceled. Given a text field with a textContentType set to .emailAddress:
Tap the text field so it that it becomes the first responder
Tap the "Hide My Email" suggestion above the keyboard
Tap "Cancel" on the iCloud+ action sheet
The app will freeze with no way to recover. When I reproduce, I see this log in the debugger (unclear if this is related):
Last Exception Backtrace:
No stack!
Is this a known issue? Is there any workaround? I'm able to reproduce not just in my own app, but also in other apps that I download from the App Store. I noticed this bug going back to September, so I'm not optimistic this is being worked on... which is unfortunate because it can affect signups!
As of Xcode 13.3, binary SPM dependencies are no longer included in our app's Frameworks folder. When our app is launched on a device, it crashes with a Library not loaded: @rpath/... error with the list of attempted framework search paths.
Is this a known issue with Xcode 13.3 and 13.3.1? Is there a workaround?
When using PHPickerViewController to load images from my photo library, several photos fail with:
Error Domain=NSItemProviderErrorDomain Code=-1200 "Could not coerce an item to class UIImage" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Could not coerce an item to class UIImage}
It appears to happen consistently on specific photos, even after restarting the device. I've set the PHPickerFilter to .images on the config, so I wouldn't expect casting to UIImage to be a problem.
In what scenario would casting to UIImage fail when the .image filter is set? There's nothing obviously different about the photos that receive this error. In fact, other photos taken as part of the same series work just fine.
Also, it's worth noting that these photos are part of a shared album.
Our app is using both the Apple id provider and the password provider when presenting the ASAuthorizationController:let authorizationRequests: [ASAuthorizationRequest] = [
]If we perform the following steps:1. Signup/login to our app via Apple id2. Go to -> Apple ID -> Password & Security -> Apps Using Your Apple ID -> Our App, and then tap "Stop Using Apple ID"3. Go back to our app, sign out, and try to login with Apple againThe option to login with an Apple id is never presented again IF the password provider has options (eg: other emails/passwords that may have been used on the service). At this point, the user can effectively never sign in with their Apple ID ever again. The only way that I've found to get the Apple ID option to return is to remove the password provider request from the authorization requests.Is this a bug? We'd ideally like to keep the password provider as an option for our users, but doing so would mean that revoking access to the Apple ID via Settings would be a permanent action... which would also mean that anyone using email forwarding would have no way to ever access their account ever again after revoking access.
When using an iPhone X with interactivePopGestureRecognizer enabled on a UINavigationController, the left ~30pt of the screen blocks touchesBegan on UIView subclasses, which prevents a UIButton from highlighting.To reproduce:1. Push a view controller onto the navigation stack (with interactivePopGestureRecognizer enabled on the navigation controller).2. Create a button, set unique images (or colors) for UIControlStateNormal and UIControlStateHighlighted, and add to self.view.3. Position the button close to the left edge of the screen (within ~30pt)4. Tap the button. The button's selector will execute on touchesEnded, but the button will never highlight.What's happening:I subclassed the UIButton and overrode touchesBegan and touchesEnded. On actual touch down, touchesBegan doesn't execute. On touch up, touchesBegan is executed immediately followed by touchedEnded in the same pass of the run loop such that the highlighted UI is never displayed to the user.Anyone know if this is a reported issue? Anyone know of a workaround? It only appears to be affecting iPhone X (not iPhone 8).