Should I expect to have to adjust my OpenSSL on-device receipt verification code for pointer authentication used by the arm64e architecture? If so, could you please provide a brief summary of the changes needed? Thank you.
When I created a new storyboard in my project, I placed it in the Base.lproj folder. Upon localizing the storyboard, I discovered that its path became Base.lproj/Base.lproj. The location for the storyboard is relative to group.Although the new storyboard is available when I localize for a new language, the Base.lproj/Base.lproj seem odd. I cannot find a way to move the storyboard so its path excludes the second Base.lproj in the path. Should I be concerned about this?I'm using Xcode 10.3 and building for iOS 12.4.Thank you.
I have everything associate with on-demand resources working correctly in my application with the exception of the ability to cancel, pause or resume downloading ODR content. Using Xcode 9.4.1 with iOS 11.4 target, the cancel, pause, etc. IBAction is called when a tap occurs, but the progress bar continues unabated. The ODR progress observer completes too. I've seen code like this:class ODRManager {var myCollectionRequest: NSBundleResourceRequest?@IBAction func cancelLoadingOnDemandResource(_ sender: UIButton) { guard let myCurrentRequest = myCollectionRequest else { return } myCurrentRequest.progress.cancel() }}But such code doesn't cancel/pause the NSBundleResourceRequest. I found a radar report dated Jan. 12, 2016 indicating the same problem. Is it possible to cancel, pause or resume a NSBundleResourceRequest download? If so, how is it done?Thank you.