




Get Crash Reports for watchOS Apps
I hope I'm wrong on this one, but as far as I understand watchOS is not able to collect/ capture Mach Exceptions and Signals. Which is the majority of crashes happening on watchOS. I'm looking for a proper way to automatically receive crash reports from a watchOS app. If this truly is a system limitation there's no way any tool can workaround it. Does anyone know of a workaround or tool to automatically collect crashes on watchOS? (I'm aware that it's possible to do so manually)
Jun ’24
Several SwiftUI Stepper on watchOS
I'm showing several Steppers in a SwiftUI view on watchOS. When the user taps the steppers & turns the digital crown it's possible to select multiple of the steppers (green "focus" border) appears. I've tried to make the steppers mutually exclusive by using the following snippet, but it didn't work. `@FocusState private var value: StepperType?` [...] var body: some View { Form { ForEach(StepperType.allCases, id: \.self) { stepperCase in Stepper... .focused($value, equals: stepperCase) } } } Any ideas how I can prevent multiple Steppers from being "focused" by the crown at the same time?
May ’24
Usage of `NavigationLink` and `.navigationDestination` causing console error logs
I'm using NavigationLink(value:label:) and .navigationDestination(for:destination:) in my SwiftUI watchOS app. However navigating in the app causes the system to emit the following errors to the console: <NavigationHostingControllerCache>: MISS at depth 1 in free stack [NavigationHostingControllerCache_UIKit] <_TtGC7SwiftUI32NavigationStackHostingControllerVS_7AnyView_: 0x125015000> containment skipped because sourceNavigationController or destination were nil or sourceNavigationController was equal to destination [NavigationHostingControllerCache_UIKit] Eject called for index: depth 1 in free stack Library: SwiftUI, Subsystem: , Category: Invalid Configuration The navigation itself does work fine. I'm wondering there's something I can do to fix it or if this is an internal issue of the SwiftUI framework and cannot be addressed by me? (i.e. I can ignore this)
Feb ’24
Create Matter Binding
I'd like to learn how a Matter "Binding" can be created on iOS, e.g. via the "Matter" Framework. I'm aware of the Matter Framework "Documentation" here. But since it's missing any real description or documentation it's not helpful to me atm. Any examples/ tutorials/ explanations are greatly appreciated.
Mar ’23
Matter documentation help
I'm interested to learn more about this documentation: It contains a bunch of information and also some statements I'm curious about. e.g. this one: Matter accessories can be managed in the Settings app Is the document referring to the iOS Settings app? I cannot find Matter accessories in the Settings App. I'd also like to learn more about the APIs (which and how to use) this document is telling about. Is anybody able to help?
Mar ’23
Crashes in JavaScriptCore
Since a while we're receiving crash reports from JavaScriptCore. This seems to be related to us implementing WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply (we're using the async variant). Unfortunately the crash report is not helpful. Does anybody know why this is crashing? One can see our custom code being called in step 9-11. Unfortunately we cannot reproduce, seems to happen only rarely. Crashed: com .apple.root.user-initiated-qos.cooperative 0 JavaScriptCore 0x110a2f8 JSC::sanitizeStackForVM(JSC::VM&) + 52 1 JavaScriptCore 0x3c2048 JSC::JSString::create(JSC::VM&, ***::Ref<***::StringImpl, ***::RawPtrTraits<***::StringImpl> >&&) + 412 2 JavaScriptCore 0x3c2048 JSC::JSString::create(JSC::VM&, ***::Ref<***::StringImpl, ***::RawPtrTraits<***::StringImpl> >&&) + 412 3 JavaScriptCore 0x49fcf4 JSValueMakeString + 128 4 JavaScriptCore 0x43b65c objectToValueWithoutCopy(JSContext*, objc_object*) + 976 5 JavaScriptCore 0x437b14 objectToValue(JSContext*, objc_object*) + 100 6 JavaScriptCore 0x2f6c +[JSValue valueWithObject:inContext:] + 40 7 WebKit 0x254af8 API::SerializedScriptValue::createFromNSObject(objc_object*) + 96 8 WebKit 0x2f2844 invocation function for block in ScriptMessageHandlerDelegate::didPostMessageWithAsyncReply(WebKit::WebPageProxy&, WebKit::FrameInfoData&&, API::ContentWorld&, WebCore::SerializedScriptValue&, ***::Function<void (API::SerializedScriptValue*, ***::String const&)>&&) + 184 9 Our App 0x666710 thunk for @escaping @callee_unowned @convention(block) (@unowned Swift.AnyObject?, @unowned NSString?) -> () 10 Our App 0x666544 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed Any?, @guaranteed String?) -> () 11 Our App 0x6661a8 @objc closure #1 in ScriptMessageHandler.userContentController(_:didReceive:) 12 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x3b7cc swift::runJobInEstablishedExecutorContext(swift::Job*) + 244 13 libswift_Concurrency.dylib 0x3c1e8 swift_job_runImpl(swift::Job*, swift::ExecutorRef) + 72 14 libdispatch.dylib 0x15164 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 396 15 libdispatch.dylib 0x1596c _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 164 16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1080 _pthread_wqthread + 228 17 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0xe5c start_wqthread + 8
Oct ’22
System Alert when using HMAccessorySetupRequest.performMatterEcosystemAccessorySetup
I'm trying to commission a matter device via HMAccessorySetupRequest.performMatterEcosystemAccessorySetup. After scanning the QR code via the system provided UI the app shows a system popup: Additional Setup Required This accessory required additional setup. Refer to the manufacturer's guide for more information Unfortunately there's no further information. Did anybody succeed in using this API and could assist?
Aug ’22
Matter API names (renamed)
Hi, The WWDC2021 Video Add support for Matter in your smart home app has a bunch of code examples referencing APIs that are no longer present or deprecated, e.g. this one. Unfortunately the documentation doesn't give any hint on the replacement APIs. Most of them are to be found in HMMatter* objects. But in the video at 14:27 an API for CHIPDeviceController is shown. Unfortunately that one cannot be found anymore. Does anybody know how to achieve the described task (managing state and control of a matter accessory)
Jun ’22
Segmentation fault 11 when implementing WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply
Hi, I'm trying to implement the async handler of WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply -> see yellow box in this reference. This is the method signature: func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) async -> (Any?, String?) But I end up with a Segmentation fault: 11 compilation error. I'm compiling with Xcode 13.4.1 (13F100). Did anybody successfully use this API or now a solution to fix it?
Jun ’22