




Reply to Code 173 no longer triggers receipt generation
I'm seeing this again now on macOS 12.3.1. After exit(173), macOS brings up the system dialog for app store credentials, then fails with the message "the application is damaged and needs to be redownloaded from the AppStore" for my Xcode builds, and also for my archived TestFlight builds. Until recently, it would fetch the _MASReceipt automatically without a dialog. Does anyone know what might have changed? Whether this is something I broke? Something on Apple's end? Something in my system? Logging in and out of the app store, rebooting, have no effect.
Apr ’22
Reply to Xcode 13 compiling error - corrupted ModuleCache.noIndex - Xcode 12 working fine
In my case, I had added a path to my copy of /Libraries/pybind to the project’s Header Search Paths, and the pybind headers have files complex.h and attr.h which conflict with usr/include. When Xcode tried building Darwin, using Header Search Paths it got the wrong version of the files and failed: removing the search path temporarily allowed Darwin to build and be cached. I worked around the problem in my project by removing pybind from my Header Search Paths entirely, adding those header files to the project, and enabling Use Header Maps so my code using pybind could find them. (Renaming those two header files would work, too, if I wanted to edit the library source code.)
Mar ’22
Reply to Xcode 13 compiling error - corrupted ModuleCache.noIndex - Xcode 12 working fine
I am also experiencing this bug every time I change between debug/release or between macOS/iOS targets in my project. Neither Clean Build Folder, nor deleting Derived Data nor just deleting ModuleCache.noIndex helps. The steps above do fix the compilation, until the next time I change targets or debug/release. I'm on macOS 12.3 and Version 13.3 (13E113) now with no improvement. Do you have a FB number for this?
Mar ’22
Reply to How to diagnose infinite layout loop
Using .location in the stack coordinate space instead of .translation avoids the problem, whatever it was. The following works as desired with no infinite loop. import Foundation import SwiftUI import PlaygroundSupport PlaygroundPage.current.setLiveView(ContentView()) struct ContentView: View { @State var position: Double = 50 var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 0) { 500, height: position) PaneDivider(position: $position) } .frame(width: 500, height:500) .coordinateSpace(name: "stack") } } struct PaneDivider: View { @Binding var position: Double var body: some View { Color.yellow.frame(height: 8) .gesture( DragGesture(minimumDistance: 1, coordinateSpace: .named("stack")) .onChanged { position = max(0, $0.location.y) } ) } }
Dec ’21
Reply to How to diagnose infinite layout loop
Paired it down a little smaller: `import Foundation import SwiftUI import PlaygroundSupport PlaygroundPage.current.setLiveView(ContentView()) struct ContentView: View { @State var position: Double = 50 var body: some View { VStack(spacing: 0) { 500, height: position) PaneDivider(position: $position) }.frame(width: 500, height:500) } } struct PaneDivider: View { @Binding var position: Double var body: some View { Rectangle().fill(Color.yellow).frame(height: 8) .gesture(DragGesture() .onChanged { position += $0.translation.height if position < 0 { position = 0 } }) } }`
Dec ’21