




What does "screenshots" mean for the App Store app product page, artwork or real screenshots?
I am creating the images for my app product page in the App Store. I see that there are screenshot specifications to follow, that seem to be reasonable. Indeed they have the resolution of the screen of the iOS devices. I would like to understand what scenarios are possible: 1- artwork images has to be created that have the right size for the devices displaying them on their App Store, and they can also contain an area depicting a device running my app (for example, rotated and surrounded by a nice background and some text) 2- a simple screenshot of the app Many tutorials show that kind of images of scenario 1. But the "screenshot" size requirements clearly refer to the device screen size, for a screenshot. Every response is appreciated. Thanks
Apr ’21
Device frames images from Apple website too large and greyed out
I am creating the images for my app to be published on the App Store. I have images depicting the use of my app with sizes corresponding to what is requested, as this page reads: Screenshot specifications - App Store Connect Help ( Now I want to use also the device frames that can be found at: Marketing Resources and Identity Guidelines - App Store - Apple Developer putting the screenshots inside the frame with just some adjustments. Example: I downloaded the iPad Pro 12.9 frame image but it is way too large if compared with the screenshot. I opened it in Gimp and it is much larger then expected. Moreover it is greyed out, and also when I paste the conteng image it is greyed out. This is the first time I am releasing an app with Apple so this question could be silly. Still I need help. Other questions of mine went unanswered. I hope this one will have some answers. Thank you
Apr ’21
Are iPhone Pro Max 6.7" or 6.5" screenshots required?
Hello, I am checking the guidelines out and I am preparing the screenshots for my app publication. I found something I deem strange: the developer is asked to provide a 1284x2778 image for iPhone Pro Max that's 6.7 inches diag, but then it is said to upload 6.5 inches diag screenshots. It is the first screenshot specifications line, you can read at Screenshot specifications - App Store Connect Help ( What is to upload 6.7" or 6.5" screenshots? Thanks in advance
Apr ’21
SwiftUI - menu not appearing and double toolbar for NavigationView
I am creating a iOS app with XCode. All source code has been written and compiled. The app runs in the iOS simulator. The user interface was created in SwiftUI and it appears as expected. The navigation seems to be working across the screens but I cannot have the menu as designed and I see a double toolbar where the back button appears. The navigation happens by NavigationLinks associated to buttons. If I navigate one screen deep I have a back button and a back icon. It seems that the back button is a menu in fact. If I navigate two screens deep the back button shows a menu with two back options, one lets the user navigate back one level, the other lets the user navigate back two levels. The main problem is that in the main screen no menu appears. It doesn't depend on the content of the main view. Indeed if it is stripped down from the View still I do not have the menu, but I do not have the double toolbar either. } //body What changes or checks can be done? I want the menu and a single toolbar. I also tried commenting things and trying step by step additions but even the simplest case does not work.
Mar ’21