I need to handle swiftUI pages button's actions like click get lables etc from another normal swift class.
I can handle such action using Viewcontroller but if page is designed with SwiftUI, i could not able to find anything.
I wanted to find out which iOS app's screen either using swiftUI or ViewController. Is there any way?
How to do complete actions like click/get text/ etc using WKwebview in ios
Can we upload new applications on the App Store as Free and later can the same build be uploaded as a paid version? Is this feasible, will there be any issues? Or do we need a fresh build to change from Free to Paid?
While I try to agree paid app agreement, they asking to the address confirmation where state field is showing N/A. Updating manually than its showing error
""The address entered appears to be invalid. Please correct your address and resubmit.""
Please help me out for the same