




Your purchase may take up to 48 hours to process.
Hi, everyone. I decided to publish my very first application to the AppStore. As you know, I created an Apple Developer account, and purchased it. I came across a message saying "To continue your enrollment, complete your purchase now. I didn't understand why I got such a message. I'm also asking for those in the know, is this a problem or does it go through such a standard procedure every time a purchase is made? I'm waiting for your answers, thank you. Your purchase may take up to 48 hours to process."
Apr ’24
About Drawing Maps In CarpPlay
I want to draw directions to a specific location in CarPlay. I realized that there are two different options that can be made regarding this. First of all, drawing a direct route from current location to the desired location. The second is to draw the route after showing our current location and selecting the location which we want to go on the map. Which would make more sense for me to do? Which authorization is appropriate for the situations I have mentioned? or Parking or Map? If you developing an CarPlay Application I would appreciate it if you would also write about the resources you used on the subject. If you have knowledge about this subject, I am waiting for your answers ASAP! Thanks :)
Oct ’22
How long is the review period after manually requesting CarPlay authorization?
I'm developing a CarPlay addition for my application. To add the CarPlay addition, as you know, I have to request it manually. I have some questions regarding the review of this request. I will be glad if you answer. Can you give us information about the requested details about our application? How long is the review period after sharing the requested details? Waiting for your answers, Thanks! :)
Oct ’22
Does Carplay work in Enterprise apps?
I am developing CarPlay addition on our app. Which is distributed with the Enterprise In distribution method, so we do not have a product in the App Store. I am wondering if CarPlay support can be provided in applications distributed with the Enterprise in distribution method? If this is not possible, I will inform management that this is not possible. I am waiting for your answers, thanks.
Oct ’22