Hello there! I tried my best again and here what I got:
If you replace MTLCommandBuffer with MPSCommandBuffer
func encodeTrainingBatch(commandBuffer: MPSCommandBuffer,
sourceTensorData: MPSGraphTensorData,
labelsTensorData: MPSGraphTensorData,
completion: ((Float) -> Void)?) -> MPSGraphTensorData {
and call it like this:
let commandBuffer = gCommandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()!
let mpsCommandBuffer = MPSCommandBuffer(commandBuffer: commandBuffer)
var yLabels: MPSNDArray? = nil
let xInput = dataset.getRandomTrainingBatch(device: gDevice, batchSize: batchSize, labels: &yLabels)
_ = classiferGraph.encodeTrainingBatch(commandBuffer: mpsCommandBuffer,
sourceTensorData: MPSGraphTensorData(xInput),
labelsTensorData: MPSGraphTensorData(yLabels!),
completion: updateProgressCubeAndLoss)
it starts working... But only on iPad version on Mac :D It won't do anything on physical iPhone device (more on this down the line)
Second one
If you replace graph.encode(to: to graph.runAsync( you no longer need to control commandBuffer and it's also solves the issue
As I mentioned previously, you can replace MTLCommandBuffer with MPSCommandBuffer it will solve the issue on iPad build running on macOS. BUT it not working on physical iPhone. I mean, it doesn't crash, but descriptor not calling completionHandler.
If you add completion handler with addCompletedHandler on commandBuffer, it WILL run!
I don't know why it works the way I explained before, but it seems that for now best way is to use runAsync because it does not need MPSCommandBuffer which cause the bug #1 and it calls completionHandler of MPSGraphExecutionDescriptor in every configuration
Hope it will help someone and I hope for Apple developers answers >_>
Fine, we've figured out what's caused problem. It was one of frameworks that we depend on.
How we figured it out?
There is "View device logs" button in Devices and simulators window (in Xcode). And its the only place where we've found some info about crash. So the log says that it couldn't find some framework, so we researched and found that there is some strange behavior, when you build from Xcode it runs ok, but when archived framework not attached to build so it caused crash. We updated that framework and everything works fine now.
Same strange things here, in my case its also related to instant crash of application, so in my case it's pretty straitforward - no app running no crashlog :D
In my json's I can even see. "uptimemillis: null". :( And I don't know what is happening with application
Having same errors. Started with iOS and its crashing my app. App runs well wen starting from Xcode, but when starting from TestFlight (or even from archive) it make this error and app not even working
Having same issue :( Only when starting app from TestFlight. Runs ok when from xcode
Attempting to create a breadcrumb action for a scene handle which already has one (sceneID:com.*.*-default). Are you trying to active an app that's already active?