




How to specify "Connection: close" for a request in WKWebView
I would like to specify "Connection: close" for a request that I load in WKWebView - which actually CAN be done by setting the value on the request that is loaded (and it actually works). However, the documentation at states that it shouldn't be used because the URL loading system handles persistent connections for you. So - my question is how can I indicate to the URL Loading System that I do NOT want to use persistent connections for this particular request? Or - am I safe to just set the header even though it's listed as reserved (because - as mentioned - it does work)?
Apr ’24
Safari on Monterey 12.3 not redrawing windows inside VM
Within a Parallels VM (version 17.1.2) running Monterey 12.3, dynamic browser content is not updated until you resize the browser window. This is a new issue in Monterey 12.3 (it doesn't exist in Monterey 12.2.1 or earlier - even in the same VM). Running on the native hardware doesn't have the issue - only when running within the VM environment. A video of the behavior can be found at - in the video, text typed into the google search box doesn't display until the window is resized - causing the HTML content to reflow. Is there some setting or something that I should make in order to cause dynamic HTML content to rerender without needing to resize the window?
Mar ’22
Cannot export HAR file from Safari (Monterey 12.3)
In Monterey 12.3, I am no longer able to export a HAR file consistently. If I open the developer tools, and capture traffic, clicking on the "Export" button, or context-clicking and choosing "Export HAR" does nothing. I'm never prompted to save the file. At times, it does allow me to export a HAR file, but only about 1 in 10-20 page loads. It doesn't seem to be specific to a site, or specific to anything just seems to not prompt. One other thing I've noted, when attempting to export the HAR file, Safari itself seems to freeze briefly (the spinning "beachball") - but after it starts responding again, there still is no prompt for saving the HAR file.
Mar ’22
Base.lproj not being copied into bundle
Since upgrading to Xcode 13.2, we are not getting the Base.lproj files (including Main.storyboardc) copied into our macOS output app bundles. The storyboard files are getting compiled in our intermediate build directory, but they are not being included in the final bundle (even though they are in the "Copy Bundle Resources" build phase). Is this something that has changed in 13.2? Is there something we need to update in our xcodeproj files to get working?
Dec ’21
Monterey beta 10 no longer trusts MDM-pushed certificates
Our application requires MDMs to push down a trusted SSL intercept certificate to function properly. In releases prior to Monterey Beta 10, an MDM profile could install the correct certificate and trust it for the system. However, beginning in Monterey Beta 10, the certificate is pushed, but no longer trusted - the end user must go into Keychain Access and manually trust it. Additionally, certificates cannot any longer be trusted via: security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain" "/path/to/ssl-intercept.crt" (Logged as FB9701844)
Oct ’21
NETransparentProxy no longer working in Monterey beta 8
Beginning with Monterey beta 8, our NETransparentProxy is no longer functioning. Its handleNewFlow never gets called with any flows while it is loaded - but while loaded, the OS doesn't send any traffic out the network interface either. This is new (incorrect) behavior in beta 8 (or possibly beta 7...I don't have a system running it anymore to be able to check). It definitely is not happening on beta 6 (I do have a system running it still). I have logged FB9625030 with details and sysdiagnose from both beta 6 (working) and beta 8 (broken). I am wondering if there is something we are missing that needed to change in the recent betas, or if there is an unintended regression in the OS.
Oct ’21
Issues with UTF-8 encoding and `defaults read` command
Given I run this command: $ defaults write com.example.encoding room -string "Baño" plutil shows that it is properly stored in UTF-8, and the character is correct: $ plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/com.example.encoding.plist -o - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>room</key> <string>Baño</string> </dict> </plist> I can also get this value from PlistBuddy: $ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :room" ~/Library/Preferences/com.example.encoding.plist Baño However - if I try using defaults read, the value comes back garbled - the special character (ñ) does not get returned correctly: $ defaults read com.example.encoding room Ba\361o Is there some way to set the encoding that defaults read uses?
Jun ’21
Problems with notarization
As of this afternoon, I'm getting the following error when trying to notarize binaries (I have masked out my identifiers and file names): [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main INFO: Attempting to connect to Apple's webDAV... [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DEBUG: requestUri:[] resource:[] [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DEBUG: PROPFIND depth:[0] [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DEBUG: PROPFIND statusCode:[405] [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main ERROR: An error occurred while processing the http request for the webDAV upload. [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main ERROR: An exception has occurred: Method Not Allowed [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DEBUG: Method Not Allowed at at at at at SNIP at at [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 957M free, 1024M total, 2048M max [System] (Physical) 1978M free, 32768M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: Using operation named: uploadFailedWithArguments [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters: [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 2.1.0 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter CPUToken = 15080805-5958-4e1f-a472-a252f3e9e9f3/1615242973101 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter Client = altool [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter ClientChecksumInfo = [{CalculationTime=118, FileLastModified=1615242877444,, FileSize=70984309, CalculatedChecksum=57e8bcf6956fb612f53e2d68831969c4}] [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 4.029 (1194) [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = XXXXXXXXXX [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter NewPackageName = com.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.itmsp [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter NumberBytesTransferred = (null) [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 11.2.3 (x86_64); jvm=14.0.2+12-iTunesOpenJDK-5; jre=14.0.2+12-iTunesOpenJDK-5 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter StatisticsArray = [{duration=0.265851828, method=clientApplication.start, count=1}, {duration=0.653015636, method=validateMetadata, count=1}, {duration=0.275264665, method=lookupTransportDiagnostic, count=1}, {duration=1.027068726, method=validateAssets, count=1}, {duration=2.22303E-4, method=createTransportPod, count=1}] [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2021-03-08T15:36:13-07:00 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter StatisticsPreviousCallDurationInSecs = 0.170076956 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter TransferTime = 0 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter Transport = DAV [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter TransportLogCompressed = (suppressed) [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u XXXXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXX -vp json -DTxHeaders=eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZX0= -sessionid @env:1396BB96-381F-40CF-A00F-D2ADA70152D7 -sharedsecret hidden value -itc_provider XXXXXXXXXX -t DAV -f /var/folders/bp/z43l86yn10n79qy_7v12nbmw0000gn/T/3C16D3DD-30B5-460D-A80E-8D67A7ED9226/com.XXXXXXXXXXX.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=4.029 (1194) [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter Version = 2.1.0 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main INFO: id = 20210308153613-516 [2021-03-08 15:36:13 MST] main INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: 1d172d41-6b01-49ba-87b9-aadec296590b-0001 [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value: [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main DBG-X: parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main DBG-X: parameter SessionExpiration = 2021-03-12T22:36:13.662Z [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main DBG-X: parameter ShouldUseRESTAPIs = false [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main DBG-X: parameter Success = true [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main DBG-X: parameter StreamingSettings = {LogStreamingEnabled=true, MultipartUploadsEnabled=true, AssetDescriptionStreamingEnabled=false} [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main INFO: Transporter's command line arguments are: -m upload -u XXXXXXXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXX -vp json -DTxHeaders=eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZX0= -sessionid @env:1396BB96-381F-40CF-A00F-D2ADA70152D7 -sharedsecret hidden value -itc_provider XXXXXXXXXX -t DAV -f /var/folders/bp/z43l86yn10n79qy_7v12nbmw0000gn/T/3C16D3DD-30B5-460D-A80E-8D67A7ED9226/com.XXXXXXXXXXX.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=4.029 (1194) [2021-03-08 15:36:14 MST] main DBG-X: Returning 1 2021-03-08 15:36:14.938 altool[12326:183763] Out: Package Summary: 1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems: /var/folders/bp/z43l86yn10n79qy_7v12nbmw0000gn/T/3C16D3DD-30B5-460D-A80E-8D67A7ED9226/com.XXXXXXXXXXX.itmsp - Error Messages: An error occurred while processing the http request for the webDAV upload. An exception has occurred: Method Not Allowed 2021-03-08 15:36:15.024 altool[12326:183754] * Error: Unable to notarize app. 2021-03-08 15:36:15.024 altool[12326:183754] * Error: code -18000 (An error occurred while processing the http request for the webDAV upload.) 2021-03-08 15:36:15.024 altool[12326:183754] *** Error: code -18000 (An exception has occurred: Method Not Allowed) Is there something going on with the notarization servers? Or is there something I'm doing wrong? This has worked until just this afternoon (I was able to notarize this morning using the same code).
Mar ’21
Difference between bundle identifier and provider bundle identifier?
I’m trying to set up a VPN profile to auto-configure my network extension via MDM, and am wondering what the difference between “Provider Bundle Identifier” and “Bundle Identifier” are. That is - which component is which? I’m guessing that one of them is the bundle ID for the app bundle itself, and the other is the bundle ID for the extension, but I don’t know which is which.
Feb ’21
Resource already has a map
On a machine running Big Sur 11.2.1, I'm getting a flood of messages in my console of this format: 2021-02-11 10:10:53.942696-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map 2021-02-11 10:10:53.942861-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map 2021-02-11 10:10:53.992408-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map 2021-02-11 10:10:53.992560-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map 2021-02-11 10:10:53.992735-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map 2021-02-11 10:10:54.042439-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map 2021-02-11 10:10:54.042573-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map 2021-02-11 10:10:54.042728-0700 0x2d2      Fault       0x0                  0      0    kernel: (IOAcceleratorFamily2) bool IOAccelResource2::map(): resource already has a map Is there something I can clear or clean in order to prevent these from being spit out so frequently?
Feb ’21