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I have successfully created the Intents UI Extension file for the wallet, obtained the requisite certificate, and adhered to the MeaWallet guidelines. Additionally, I have generated a sandbox login ID and successfully logged into the simulator using the sandbox login ID. In an attempt to integrate the Intents UI Extension file into an existing project, I followed these steps: Debug -> Attach to Process by PID or Name. Subsequently, I conducted a search for the Intents UI Extension file name, selected the appropriate file, and clicked the attach button. However, Xcode is currently displaying 'waiting for attachment.' Despite these efforts, I encountered an issue where the wallet extension controller is unable to access the application when attempting to run it.
by Theju.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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I am unable to attach the Intents extension. it is showing 'waiting for attach' for a prolonged period.
by Theju.
Last updated