I've decided to keep the Mac Catalyst destination as I can resize the view, whereas with the Designed for iPad destination, I cannot.
In Page, try this
@Relationship(deleteRule: .cascade, inverse: \Line.page) var pages: [Page]
In Line, simply try the following
var page: Page
No need for @Relationship here as SwiftData infers this.
You can force a save, modelContext.save(), instead of waiting for the auto save.
I'm getting the warnings too, but I was able to build with the warnings and I've submitted the binary to App Store Connect. There were also some other gotchas that I had to resolve. The Mac build was linking to my watch app where it never did so before. I had to go into the build settings and click off the Mac dependency.
Are you using the default iCloud container or did you define one yourself? I don't see your ModelConfiguration init. Something like the folliowing.
let modelConfig = ModelConfiguration(schema: schema, cloudKitDatabase: .private("iCloud.com.mycompany.name"))
do {
container = try ModelContainer(for: schema, configurations: [modelConfig])
catch {
fatalError("Could not create ModelContainer: \(error)")
I am seeing this message while using the visionOS simulator, but not while using the iPhone simulator doing the same steps.
I’m simply talking about using voice instead of text input in a search bar.
It used to take a week or more to get a review. I've experienced my apps be in review for. a few days. My suggestion is to be patient.
In my case, when I submitted my app recently, nothing bad happened when I submitted my MacCatalyst binary to App Store Connect. @SwampDog, you need to submit a separate binary for the MacCatalyst app, I believe.
I'm no expert, but I would try the following.
NavigationSplitView {
List(notes) { noteTitle in
NavigationLink (noteTitle.name) {
NoteEditing(noteModelClass: noteTitle)
.onDelete(perform: deleteNote)
.toolbar {
Button ("", systemImage: "plus", action: {
presentNewNoteAlert = true
@Bruckner I let Xcode generate the models from Core Data models. That is what resulted.
I want the look of the app to be compatible with the Apple Vision Pro, so I have decided to create an Apple Vision destination with the visionOS SDK. It took some work for this to happen, but it looks nicer than the iPad app looks on the simulator.
Just in case you didn't see my comment. That image is not of a website. That image is of Xcode. You should have Xcode.
Check out this link to manually generate a provisioning profile. https://developer.apple.com/help/account/manage-profiles/create-a-development-provisioning-profile/
However, many of us find it much easier to let Xcode automatically generate the provisioning profile. See the image below.
I found the issue. For some reason, I had an App Group entitlement that was unnecessary. I removed it and it now launches.