I've changed to using @precurrency given your write up.
@DTS Engineer, here's an example of what I did.
nonisolated func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
Task {
await changeMyLocation(locations)
func changeMyLocation(_ locations: [CLLocation]) {
myLocation = locations.last
I created a function to change the location and called it via a task.
I've fixed this by creating a struct for the data returned by SwiftData. I stuff the struct with the SwiftData and use the struct in my UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource. I am using SwiftData with UIKit.
I use the @Model class in my UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource as the ItemIdentifierType, which I now see is required to be Sendable. I have a ton of errors relating to this. This is a big deal. Do I need to create Sendable structs which reads the @Model parameters? I will look into ModelActor to see if that can get me what I need.
I've fixed this by setting the delegate methods to nonisolated and calling functions within a Task to set the values that need to be set.
This works in Xcode Version 16.0 beta 4 (16A5211f)
Silly question. Did you add 'import SwiftData' to the file?
Apple is selling the dongle to developers to help them when they have an application with enhance graphics. It’s not being offered except through the developers website.
Right. You don't provide screenshots.
You can add a visionOS Platform in App Store Connect. But then if you want to submit for that platform, you'd have to submit a visionOS binary, not one for 'visionOS (designed for iPad)'. To do that, go to your build settings and under Architectures, set Base SDK to 'visionOS'. Then you will see the Destination 'Any visionOS Device (arm64)' in Xcode. If you keep the Base SDK as 'iOS' and submit a binary, it will be sent to your iOS app Platform. It won't be seen by a visionOS Platform.
Thank you rmahnud28.
I just added the visionOS platform to one of my apps and got a message about not being able to mess with metadata or upload a binary at this time. Okay, I think I got my answer by clicking the little checkbox.
You didn't save your model with insert. You only inserted the data into the context. You need to either save the context or wait for an auto save.
You problem know this, but SwiftData works fine now on visionOS.
You might need to import VisionKit.