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I have a View with a few TextViews, which look almost fine except the background color of the textviews that is white, where I would like it to be blue: Here the code: VStack { HStack { TextField("mot", text:$tfMot) .dynamicTypeSize(.xLarge) .disabled(true) .background(Color("fondbleu")) TextField("orthoAlt", text:$tfOrthoAlt, axis: .vertical) .dynamicTypeSize(.small) .background(Color("fondbleu")) .disabled(true) } TextField("Définition", text:$tfDefinition, axis: .vertical) .background(Color("fondbleu")) .disabled(true) TextField("Anagrammes", text:$tfAna, axis: .vertical) .background(Color("fondbleu")) .disabled(true) TextField("Extensions +1", text: $tfExt, axis: .vertical) .background(Color("fondbleu")) .disabled(true) } As one can see, the modifier: .background(Color("fondbleu")) has no effect. I found out that the background color would change only if I ad the modifier: .textFieldStyle(.plain) But then, apparently all the attributes of the default text field style are lost and the text is stuck in the upper right corner of the field: My problem now is how to get the text back in the vertical center of the field. By the way, I tried to fix it using the attributes inspector panel but this one is frozen: Any one can help me out ?
by SimonWin.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
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I have set a core data structure based on two entities : first entity is "Mot" (Word) with one String attribute "graphie" (spelling) and one ToOne relationship "definition" with the second entity. second entity is "Definition" that has one String attribute "enonce" (statement) and on ToMany relationship "mot" with entity Mot. One word can have several spellings but only one definition. I managed to load several rows of data and now, when I select one word I want to display all the spellings, which means all "Mot" that have the same definition. In my content view I have a List based on a request: @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext @FetchRequest(entity: Mot.entity(), sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "graphie", ascending: true)]) private var mots: FetchedResults<Mot> var body: some View { NavigationView { ... List { ForEach(mots) { (mot: Mot) in HStack { Text(mot.graphie ?? "Non trouvé") Spacer() Text(mot.definition!.enonce ?? "Non trouvé") } .onTapGesture { motAffiche = mot tfMot = mot.graphie ?? "Not found" tfDefinition = mot.definition?.enonce ?? "Not found" tfOrthoAlt = returnOrthoAlt(mot: mot) } } } the function returnOrthoAlt(mot) is supposed to return a string with all spellings separated by commas. What is working for the moment, but not satisfactory is the following code for that function private func returnOrthoAlt(mot: Mot) -> String { var ort = [String]() for elem in mots { if elem.definition!.enonce! == mot.definition!.enonce! && elem != mot { ort.append(elem.graphie!) let defObjId = elem.definition!.objectID.uriRepresentation() print("\(elem.graphie!) def: \(elem.definition!.enonce!) \(defObjId) ") } } return if !ort.isEmpty { ort.joined(separator: ", ")} else {""} }: I am going through the table 'mots' of FetchedResults to find those that have the same definition as the current 'mot'. What I find not satisfactory is that I am comparing the 'mot.definition.enonce' of each Mot, which is not supposed to be unique, instead of 'mot.definition' directly, which did not work. The objects 'mot.definition' are obviously not equal (neither with == nor with === operators). Also I tried to retrieve the reverse relation directly with 'mot.definition.mot' but that returned a NSSet which, converted to a set seems to contain only one object, that is 'mot' itself. One possibility of course, would be to ad a unique Id to the entity 'Definition' but I seem to understand that this is not the recommended practice, the more so as swift does not provide system generated id. What do I miss in the core data concept ? Can someone help me out ?
by SimonWin.
Last updated