




What does .allowReadWrite property of UICloudSharingController allow the current user to do if his/her participant permission property is readWrite?
Is the owner and the the app the only ones that can change the value of CKShare.publicPermission using UICloudSharingController? I mean, can a participant change the the value of CKShare.publicPermission using UICloudSharingController if the permission property of that participant is readWrite and the participant has access to the presented UICloudSharingController and its availablePermissions property includes allowReadWrite? What exactly does UICloudSharingController.PermissionOptions.allowReadWrite grant read and write access to? Does that mean the current user can change the CKShare.publicPermission property? I don't think the user can change the values of the permission properties of participants if he/she changes CKShare.publicPermission. The way participants are affected is that they may lose access to the CKShare, but their permission property can only be set by the owner. Am I right about this?
Dec ’22
How do I set UICloudSharingController.availablePermissions to not allow participants other than the owner of CKShare to copy or send a link from UICloudSharingController?
I have an app that uses CKShare and UICloudSharingController to share data with other users of my app. I noticed that when Owner shares with UserA, UserA is able to "copy" the link or "send" the link, as the title of the button use. How do I disable that completely so that only the owner can copy or send the link? Also, what determines whether it says "Copy Link" or "Send Link"? Does that have to do with the version of iOS? I've tried every combination of UICloudSharingController.PermissionOptions to set to UICloudSharingController..availablePermissions ... [.allowPrivate, .allowReadOnly], [.allowReadOnly], [.allowPrivate], and []. Setting the value to [] sets it to .standard, which does the exact same thing as [.allowPrivate, .allowReadOnly], though the value is different for availablePermissions property.
Dec ’22
How do I make a pop-up menu in iOS?
What framework would I use to make one of those popup menus that I see when I long press a field when I look at a Contact in Contacts. The popup menu is black. It looks like a horizontal bar with items separated by a very think vertical white line between each item. When I press a field while viewing a Contact, the menu gives an option to Copy and another option for iPhone to Speak.
Dec ’22
Anyone want a "guard catch" statement to be implemented in Swift?
Has anyone ever heard about any requests for swift to implement a "guard catch" statement? It would be like a do catch statement that allows code execution to continue like a guard statement does, and would provide an Error object to be used with a return statement or any of the key words a guard statement allows when the guard condition fails. It would look like this: guard do { . . . } catch { . . . return error }
Dec ’22
How do I turn off certain features on my iOS app when it's installed on a specific device?
I remember getting a message while running my iOS app on an iOS device that said I have to turn Developer mode on in my iOS device and I found the setting and turned on developer mode. I'm looking for that setting again so I can turn it off on iPhone I use, so that my app can check if Developer mode is on, and if it's not on, certain features are disabled, particularly one that deletes data on the device. That is intended to delete test data. I don't want actual data on my iPhone to be deleted. I need this precaution. When I looked at Developer Settings in Settings app on my iPhone 8 using iOS 15.6.1, there doesn't seem to be any way of turning off developer mode. Is there something I can check on my device that I can use to let my app know that I don't want certain features to be available on my app for that specific device?
Oct ’22
How to make my iOS app appear in UICloudSharingController so that it could share a CKShare.url with my app to other users of my app?
What App Extensions and Entitlements or any other settings or anything else do I need to do in order to allow my app to use CloudKit sharing to share CKShare.url with other users of my app so that one user can share with another user by sending the URL to my app in addition to other apps such as Messages and Mail?
Oct ’22
How do I use UIActivityViewController to share text with other users of my iOS app?
I am using a Share Extension that shares a simple text, thus NSExtensionActivationSupportsText is in my Info.plist. How would I configure UIActivityViewController to enable my app to share test with other uses of my app? Which classses would I need to use? I actually need to pass a URL, more specifically a URL generated by CloudKit framework to use CKShare and UICloudSharingController, but for now I need to learn how to simply share test information.
Oct ’22
How do I share content from my iOS app using the standard iOS share sheet?
It looks like the Share Extension allows other "host" apps to share content with my "containing" app. How do I share content from my app with other apps using the standard iOS share sheet? I have found information on how to use UISheetPresentationController and UIActivityViewController. What is Apple's designated standard API to share content from my iOS app? I would think their designated way would show all the the apps that the share sheet can share with. Is UIActivityViewController the way that is most intended by Apple to do this?
Oct ’22