It shows a message saying iOS 18 is not installed.
I have started the process for this. It's been a while ago, and I can't find the email they sent me.
I'm interested in learning how you succeeded in fixing this.
What improvements or discoveries have you had since you posted this?
Have you figured this out?
I did find documentation from Apple saying I have to do the following:
Before accessing the URL, call startAccessingSecurityScopedResource().
Use a file coordinator to perform read or write operations on the URL’s contents.
After you access the URL, call stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource().
What do I have to do to give my iOS access to the files on the device? I ask because I can't find where it allows me to select what my app is allowed access to like that screenshot above shows at the very right-bottom, where it says "File Access", then "Type" and "Permission & Access" above the two columns after it says "File Access".
Would your code you gave me above be the same as the following?
var appDelegate: AppDelegate? = {
return UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate
var appDelegate: AppDelegate? {
get {
return UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate
I found this webpage titled "Meet async/await in Swift" at the WWDC NOTES website that uses the async and await keywords and the withCheckedThrowingContinuation function. Is there any more about the async/await pattern that would help?
What do you think about the following part of answer to my post on stackoverflow asking this same question?
Short Answer
Yes, there could be a need to cast to an NSError conformance. NSError has attributes that the Swift Error does not. If you're working with older codebases, or you want what an NSError has to offer, you may be dealing with them from time to time.
Ok. That's a good technique. That prevents the programmer from having to make sure the argument to error as Error? is not a nil. I think that's the idea, do you think?
Where can I find documentation to the ErrorType protocol. I do find the documentation for Error as a protocol. Is ErrorType a typealias to Error?
Yes. That's a good idea.
I would like to know correct terminology and where I can find the official documentation. I guess it would be under variables. That's the most obvious conclusion.
Thanks for the answer.
No. There are three functions that don't show up either. I think it's because I haven't enabled certain capabilities in Signing & Capabilities for the main target in the project. The three functions are interfaceParametersDescription() which is used by SiriKit, and dismissNotificationContentExtension() and performNotificationDefaultAction() which I presume are used by User Notification or Remote Notification.
I found this old post of mine. NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveTopLevelObjectWithData(_:) has been deprecated. I still need a solution for this. What is _NSInlineData? When I run the following code I get the following in debug window:
print(type(of: FileManager.default.ubiquityIdentityToken))
print(type(of: FileManager.default.ubiquityIdentityToken!))
Optional<NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObject>