I figured it out. I needed to set cancelsTouchesInView property of the gesture reconginzer to false.
Yes. I am not sure what that does. I can't find documentation on it.
I found the documentation. That's not what I need.
I would like to be able to reference the subclass and access the fields as properties of the subclass.
Thank you everyone Claude31 and eskimo!
Thank you DelawareMathGuy.
Ok. Thank you very much.
I figured out that I had made a mistake in how I added to a relationship. When I changed the code to add to the relationship using the add method of the managed object subclass, the error disappeared.
I think you are mistaken. I clicked the option "Remove App", and I got a message saying that app name will be released to other developers and put in my removed apps list. I think you are correct that I can add that app back anytime, just that I might have to use a different name if another developer decides to use the name I had been using before I removed the app.
Those are hacks. Surely Apple has an official fix for this.
Yes. I got that. I noted in my post that property is of type NSObject in my managed object class. I don't know what to set it to instead of NSObject.
Ok. I added the code after I changed it. I didn't fill in the parameters.
Here's what code I have now: let defaultFileManager: FileManager = FileManager.default
let standardUserDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
let ubiquityIdentityToken = defaultFileManager.ubiquityIdentityToken
let oldDataUbiquityIdentityToken = standardUserDefaults.data(forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.ubiquityIdentityToken)
do {
// Save ubiquity identity token
let dataUbiquityIdentityToken: Data = try NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: ubiquityIdentityToken!, requiringSecureCoding: false)
standardUserDefaults.set(dataUbiquityIdentityToken, forKey: UserDefaultsKeys.ubiquityIdentityToken)
let oldUbiquityIdentityToken = try NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: (NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol).self, from: oldDataUbiquityIdentityToken!)
} catch {
}Here are the red code-time errors that appear on the line below the comments in the code:'NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol' cannot be used as a type conforming to protocol 'NSCoding' because 'NSCoding' has static requirementsStatic method 'unarchivedObject(ofClass:from:)' requires that 'NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol' inherit from 'NSObject'I get the argument I put in for the 'forClass' parameter from the declaration of FileManager.ubiquityIdentityToken in Apple's documentation, which says:@NSCopying var ubiquityIdentityToken: (NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol)? { get }What threw me off at the beginning is the fact that the errors appear before I even put in the arguments in the placeholders.
Ok. Thank you very much.
Do you mean by 'completionBlock' the completion closure of the privateDatabase.perform(_:_:) method?