I am encouraging to open bug for this issue using Feedback Assistance.
If here will be a lot attention/feedback on this issue maybe it will be fixed together with iOS 14. Otherwise we will need to wait for iOS 15.
In my case my bank was blinking deductions from particular countries. I did call to my bank explained situation and they saw, that here was suspicions transactions which were blocked. I asked them temporally to remove suspicious transaction validation. After this changes I could pay.
PIN input view representation depends on BLE device implementation.
Connect to appstoreconnect.com
Select your app
Select TestFlight tab
Edit Test Notes and they will appear in What to Test.
@Rich H Is it sage to change product module name when am app already released?
Work around for this issue: https:// stackoverflow.com/a/74735693/1151916
Select your app.
Navigate to TestFlight tab
Create External Testing group
Add one tester
Add build which you want download using TestFlight
Open TestFlight and download an app.
On my side getting similar error:
The app references non-public selectors in Payload/CICD.app/CICD: determineAppInstallationAttributionWithCompletionHandler:, lookupAdConversionDetails:, transform:
I have same issue as well!
I have same problem on my test device.
For our new app we want to create Pre-Order release. Submitted the build. An app was review by Apple and then we could see button "Release as Pre-Order". When I have tapped on this button build was rejected. In the status history page "Developer Removed from Sale" record appeared. After some time "Processing for App Store" record appears into status history view.
Processing for App Store now is taking longe than 12 hours.
Here is an error why it fails:
String appears in localization catalog:
Text("Prefill Address")
String is emitted from localization catalog:
let prefillAddress = "Prefill Address"
Have you found a way how to use Extensions On in packages?