we want to implement passkey in our password manager, but we can not find documentation how to create passkey and save in our database? Can some one help?
My app works correctly in debug with Mac Catalyst and receive push, when I uploaded in TestFlight and installing from TestFlight not receiving any more push but the server of apple respond 200 ok.
we don't use certificate but keyID.
I have converted my iOS app in MacCatylist, I have issue with titlebarAppearsTransparent, which I can not make the color transparent. how can I call NSwindow in my MacCatylist in order to call titlebarAppearsTransparent.
Thank you,
My app backup the data to iCloud or sync with user device through the user iCloud account using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer privateDataBase. The main problem is, when user install the app I need to know if user has data in iCloud or not according this information, I let user to setup account or fetch the existing account, since it takes too long to fetch with local CoreData, I am trying to find a way to fetch directly from iCloud through CloudKit, since I am new in CloudKit, I don't know how to fetch data from CloudKit any help appreciate.
for iOS 14+ there is notification to let you know that your data exported and imported and other events type.
`` if let cloudEvent = notification.userInfo?[NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.eventNotificationUserInfoKey]
as? NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.Event
but to make compatibility my app with iOS 13, if there any event type exist like above for NSPersistentCloudKitContaine?
We have received payment from apple, according to the EU we must send invoice to apple. I found this information:
Use the following billing address:
Apple Distribution International Limited
Hollyhill Industrial Estate
Cork, Ireland
VAT: IE9700053D
Send hard-copy invoices to:
iTunes Invoicing
Apple Operations Europe
Apple Distribution International Limited
Hollyhill Industrial Estate
Cork, Ireland
If in my invoice I write only this address : Use the following billing address:
Apple Distribution International Limited
Hollyhill Industrial Estate
Cork, Ireland
VAT: IE9700053D
would be fine?
and should I write in invoice the payment that I receive from apple? or the price that I sell in store?
Thank you.
My app in-app purchase downloading from TestFlight or debug Xcode making purchase works correctly but it reject in apple review because during the test purchase didn’t work and occurred error:SKErrorDomain with code 2. This error in general appear when during the purchase user click Cancel. I have contacted apple board, they said that Your app does not comply with App Store Review Guideline 2.1. So how can i try in production since in TestFlight and debug it works? I really confused how to try solution for it?