Ive got a little animation on the first screen on my watchOS app, but in watchOS 10.1 it's not showing up. It docent work. I can't use the simulator to find out why because I haven't got watchOS 10.1 simulator. - here is the code that works on watch OS 10
func updatCurrentProgress() {
withAnimation(.interpolatingSpring(duration: 1.2, bounce: 0.0, initialVelocity: 0.0).delay(0.5)) {
currentProgress = tiyowehSession.currentDayGoalComplete
} completion: {
if customGoalValue > 0 && UserDefaults.standard.double(forKey: "currentDayGoalComplete") < 1.0 && tiyowehSession.currentDayGoalComplete >= 1.0 {
print("playing .success)")
goalProgressViewOpasity = 0.0
goalCompleteTickOpasity = 1.0
withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 2.0).delay(1.2)) {
goalCompleteTickOpasity = 0.0
goalProgressViewOpasity = 1.0
UserDefaults.standard.set(currentProgress, forKey: "currentDayGoalComplete")
The sound plays correctly "WKInterfaceDevice.current().play(.notification)"
but the opacity docent change like it used to.
Ive had some feedback from a customer asking that when he uses my app to start the mindfulness focus. Ive tried this on iPhone and setup the mindfulness focus to start when my app is open and that works fine, however this is not mirrored on my Apple Watch where the app is used.
Upon opening the Apple Watch app the focus does not turn on.
How can I get this working?
Thank you.
Im using a coredata to populate a list.
When I add a new object the list dissent update until close the app and open it again. But this only started happening after I started using a predicate in the fetch request,
Taking the Predicate out makes it work again. I tried everything else. This is the only thing that is causing it. Has anyone else experienced this?
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "sobrietyDate_month", ascending: true),NSSortDescriptor(key: "sobrietyDate_day", ascending: true),NSSortDescriptor(key: "first_name", ascending: true)],
predicate: NSPredicate(format: "isVisible == %@", "1")
) var allContacts: FetchedResults<User>
if I take the predicate out it starts updating again. I tried this with Apple standard out of the box CoreData project, by adding a new object to core data as a bool then
sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Item.timestamp, ascending: true)],
predicate: NSPredicate(format: "isVisible == %@", "1"),
animation: .default)
private var items: FetchedResults<Item>
Same thing happens, Won't update live until the app is closed.
Any ideas
Im trying to save a custom object into coredata and it works fine on iOS but when trying to run the same code on the Mac Catalyst version of my app I get an error
Ambiguous use of 'encode(_:forKey:)'
I created a class for the object.
I made it type NSObject & NSSecureCoding.
I tried to make it encode and decode and save to CoreData with a transformer.
Works on iOS version of my app but not macOS.
Why is that?
App review team rejected my app update under guideline 2.1 - Information needed.
Asking me :
To help us proceed with the review of your app, please provide detailed information to the following questions. The more information you can provide upfront, the sooner we can complete your review.
– Does your app include any Siri Shortcuts features?
– If so, where can we locate Siri Shortcuts in your app?
Ive replied letting them where to find the Siri shortcut in my app.
Has anyone else been asked this question?
Sometimes it feel like they reject my app for the weirdest reasons.
It would be nice if they had a yellow icon for an Enquiry, Getting the RED REJECTED letter in the email makes my heart stop.
Ive ben having an issue with one of my Apps since Ventura came out. The app won't create a new contact It fails giving a few different warnings but no real error. I have tried it unto Ventura 13.0.1 (22A400)
The error is
2022-12-03 09:33:54.543143+1000 **** [1941:15105] [api] Attempt to write notes by an unentitled app
2022-12-03 09:33:54.580714+1000 **** [1941:15105] [plugin] CDX_AB_GetGroupCollectionPath: nil group
2022-12-03 09:33:54.580765+1000 **** [1941:15105] [plugin] CDX_AB_GetGroupCollectionPath: nil group
2022-12-03 09:33:54.581969+1000 **** [1941:15105] [ABCDContact] An ABCDRecord is being saved without having a container assignment. Assigning the contact to <CNCDContainer 0x6000013c92c0 ab>. Please remember to assign contacts to containers to avoid recurring container lookup and contact re-validation costs.
When I follow the instructions on this page https://developer.apple.com/documentation/contacts to create a new contact It fails on Ventura to create a new contact and I don't know why. So I submitted a feedback Assistant request (FB11721907)
But I also went ahead and got Notes field access as that was one of the warnings.
That got approved, Now I would like help adding it in my project.
I logged into the Developer Portal and in Identifiers, located my app and went to Additional Capabilities ticked the Box marked Contacts Notes Field Access.
Then instructions in the email say 'Once you’ve finished generating the profile, you can use it in Xcode like any other manually-generated profile.' Im not sure what this means.
I tried to add 'com.apple.developer.contacts.notes' Boolean, YES, to the entitlement file as described in https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com_apple_developer_contacts_notes but the app doesn't launch when it's added. And if I put it into the info.plist file it does nothing. Also im not sure how to add the purpose string.
Im having trouble requesting access to save a new contact as of today with updating to Ventura 13.0 (22A380).
Im requesting access to contacts using
@IBAction func requestConactsAccess() {
CNContactStore().requestAccess(for: .contacts) { granted, error in
if granted {
// Yes
self.authStatusLabel.text = "Granted"
} else {
// No
self.authStatusLabel.text = "denied"
But it is just being automatically denied.
I can't save a contact either with an app that previously had permission.
I created a small app to test this from scratch using the documentation "Working with the user’s contacts" https://developer.apple.com/documentation/contacts?language=objc
I have been doing this since the first version of the app, Ive never had an issue Has something changed with regards to Requesting access to contacts in latest OS?
Thank you.
When creating a new contact on MacOS Im getting this new error causing my app to crash, on my app only after updating my machine to Ventura 13.0.
The last error before (lldb) is
"An ABCDRecord is being saved without having a container assignment. Assigning the contact to <CNCDContainer 0x6000039b51a0 ab>. Please remember to assign contacts to containers to avoid recurring container lookup and contact re-validation costs."
When saving a new contact I’m using
saveRequest.add(contact, toContainerWithIdentifier: nil)
do {
try contactsStore.execute(saveRequest)
I guess it does not like the nil.
Am I supposed to add to a particular container, like iCloud?
Documentation says to set it to nil - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/contacts/cnsaverequest/1403036-add
Even with the most basic example from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/contacts the save request falis.
Im struggling with the Minimum deployments section in Xcode 14 for the Target of my iOS and Mac Catalyst app.
Its a bit different from what I'm used, previously I could look at the values in a drop down box. That values I would like to set are iOS 12.4 and MacOS 11.0.
What is macOS 14.2 ? it that a catalyst number, What macOS is that?
Nevermind I found this -
macCatalyst 13.0 = macOS 10.15
macCatalyst 13.4 = macOS 10.15.4
macCatalyst 14.0 = macOS 11.0
macCatalyst 14.7 = macOS 11.6
macCatalyst 15.0 = macOS 12.0
macCatalyst 15.3 = macOS 12.2 and 12.2.1
macCatalyst 15.4 = macOS 12.3
macCatalyst 15.5 = macOS 12.4
macCatalyst 15.6 = macOS 12.5
How do I delete a question?
Could someone please point me in the right direction?
Using SwiftUI how do I tick a button above a list under the navigation bar on watchOS like the mail app on watch.
So when you pull down the list, the button appears from under the navigation bar ? Thanks
I like to keep my apps watch face complication up to date when the user completes an activity but calling WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() is not working as well as the old complication update now I want to go back to complications. I used to call CLKComplicationServer.sharedInstance().reloadTimeline(for: <#T##CLKComplication#>) which would update my complication instantly.
The simulator seams to up date widgets immediately but now my app has been released pn the App Store it is not updating.
Any one else experiencing this.
I am having a lot of trouble with this.
My idea was going to be to put a switch in the setting page of my app so user can choose if they want sensitive information redacted or not.
Some people may want to hide their appointment on the Lock Screen, others may not.
.redacted(reason: .placeholder)
works fine when I add it to an element. but the .privacy reason docent seam to work. If I add the capability to the target 'Data Protection' every thing on the widget gets redacted, unless I mark elements with .unredacted() But to have to do that for everything is too difficult.
My thinking around how it worked was to add the modifier, redacted(reason: .privacy) to an element like a Text view or an image and if the device is locked that will be redacted.
I must not have the same thinking as Apple on this process.
Ive added App Group entitlements to my Watch target and Watch Widget target to hopefully create a container both the CoreData for the Watch app and the Widget can draw from.
I put the CoreData object in there for hopefully both the Watch App and WatchOS 9 widget to access.
let containerURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.com.my-company.my-app")!
let storeURL = containerURL.appendingPathComponent("DataModel.sqlite")
let description = NSPersistentStoreDescription(url: storeURL)
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "DataModel")
container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [description]
container.loadPersistentStores { ... }
Following posts in StackExchange Its been working for iOS App and Widget.
It works wonderfully for iOS apps and their widgets.
Would this be identical for WatchOS apps and Widgets?
However when I use the same implementation for WatchOS and Watch widgets it fails to fetch the data giving an error :
WidgetsExtension[75018:10584043] [error] error: No NSEntityDescriptions in any model claim the NSManagedObject subclass 'MyContactCard' so +entity is confused. Have you loaded your NSManagedObjectModel yet ?
'executeFetchRequest:error: A fetch request must have an entity.'
The exact same widget files works on iOS.
EDIT: IT STARTED WORKING after I posted this. My have just been an error with the Core data models or something. Just leave this here so others can know that it does work same as iOS widgets
Ive found in watchOS 9 NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore is available and I'm wondering if using the same cloud kit container should the value be the same across devices. It currently works between Mac and iPhone apps, but not between Watch and iPhone.
I have a switch on Apple Watch
if #available(watchOS 9.0, *) {
Toggle("Use iCloud", isOn: $dontUseiCloud)
.onChange(of: dontUseiCloud) { value in
print("Toggle value = \(value)")
print("Dont use icloud = \(NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.default.bool(forKey: "dontUseICloud"))")
}.onAppear(perform: {if #available(watchOS 9.0, *) {isiCloudOn()}})
and when I toggle the switch the Key-Value store changes correctly but only for the Watch. The switch on the iPhone app docent change, even if I wait up to 5 minutes.
I have the same code in my iPhone app and Mac app and the switch change happens almost immediacy through iCloud on both devices. Thanks
When I setup Share extension or Action extension on iOS to import a Vcard into my app it works great but when running the app on Mac catalyst I'm left with a Vcard at the bottom of my screen and I can't close it or do anything, deleting the app and reinstalling doesn't even fix it, I'm going to have to format my computer. How do I deal with these? the just keep building up, How do I make sure my app doesn't do this? How do I close the ones that are open, I'm stuck.
Theres a few things I tried. The .plist option to 'Supports Document Browser' is set to 'No' 'Supports opening documents in place' has to be se to 'Yes' or not included for a Mac Catalyst app or I get this error -
error: 'LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace = NO' is not supported on macOS. Either remove the entry or set it to YES, and also ensure that the application does open documents in place on macOS.
What I'm thinking is I did not ensure that the app did not open a document in place? Now I have no idea how to undo what I've done. Its just stuck there, attached to my app somehow. I tried deleting the app and all the files associated to the app I could find, but its still there.
How do I prevent this from happening but still get all the card info into my app. it does work to populate the card info into my app, its just this thing here is not closing or I don't want that to happen, that's probably what the error is warning me about.