Animation not showing on WatchOS 10.1

Ive got a little animation on the first screen on my watchOS app, but in watchOS 10.1 it's not showing up. It docent work. I can't use the simulator to find out why because I haven't got watchOS 10.1 simulator. - here is the code that works on watch OS 10

func updatCurrentProgress() {
        withAnimation(.interpolatingSpring(duration: 1.2, bounce: 0.0, initialVelocity: 0.0).delay(0.5)) {
            currentProgress = tiyowehSession.currentDayGoalComplete
        } completion: {
            if customGoalValue > 0 && UserDefaults.standard.double(forKey: "currentDayGoalComplete") < 1.0 && tiyowehSession.currentDayGoalComplete >= 1.0 {
                print("playing .success)")
                goalProgressViewOpasity = 0.0
                goalCompleteTickOpasity = 1.0
                withAnimation(.easeOut(duration: 2.0).delay(1.2)) {
                    goalCompleteTickOpasity = 0.0
                    goalProgressViewOpasity = 1.0
            UserDefaults.standard.set(currentProgress, forKey: "currentDayGoalComplete")


The sound plays correctly "WKInterfaceDevice.current().play(.notification)" but the opacity docent change like it used to.