Background tasks are also not working for me. I can manually start the Operation and it runs. But the scheduled background task is never ran, and “debug > simulate background task” doesn’t do anything either.
Still not sure how to delete the old bundle...
This system should be fixed. You should be able to edit bundles without deleting them and creating them again.
Make sure you select your intent target when you run, and not your app target. This can surface the error in Xcode.
(My issue was too much RAM usage.)
I can't get UIDocumentPickerViewController to work when I pass in the URL of a zip file bundled in my app for export. The UIDocumentPickerViewController shows up and says "0 Items" will be exported. Are zip files allowed for export?
Edit: The issue was the bundled zip file was not able to be moved. To fix I added "asCopy: true".
UIDocumentPickerViewController(forExporting: [zipURL], asCopy: true)
Is banking details required to accept the agreement? My company does not want to provide their bank details since they only offer a free app. (This should be fixed.)
The tooltip in App Store connect seems to suggest you can add apps: “Only apps in the Ready for Sale, Removed from Sale, or Developer Removed from Sale state can be added to a bundle.”
Same issue here: Thread -
Exact same issue here on Big Sur 11.2 as well.
(As a workaround, when I want to open a document VC on catalyst, I set the rootViewController to the document VC instead of presenting it on top.)
Still an issue on 14.3. I will file a bug report.
Same question. I want to set a custom cursor for my *entire* game, but not sure where/how to do it.
Upon more testing, clicking "New Document" will successfully show the template chooser modally, and from there the editor VC can be presented successfully as well. Not sure why this works, but not directly opening the document.
Im getting the error on Xcode 12.2 and I'm not even adding Mac-specific icons, I'm just letting it use the iOS icons. Must be a bug.
I get the error in an alert in the Files app when I drop a jpeg in a folder. (iOS 14.0 Release)
I think I found it: DisclosureGroup -
Haven't tested yet.
Im guessing they will not work.