I'm currently testing SWIA implementations, and found some interesting behavior related to scope in the authorization flow.
Situation that I'm facing right now is:
User signs in with his/her Apple Id through the mobile app's or website's SWIA feature for the vert first time without email scope.
User will be granted JWT without email claim as expected.
Later, we changed to add email scope for the authorization process.
User (from #1) signs in again, and goes through SWIA with email scope
User will be granted JWT without email claim
Unless otherwise user manually de-authorize the app from their Apple ID portal (or in the mobile app), updated scope will not be reflected
It also happens in the opposite way (i.e. having email scope for the very first request, and then later remove email scope. This will still grant JWT with email claim)
Is this something expected from Apple's OIDC server? or am I doing something wrong? I've tested it with both native iOS SWIA and on the web client as well, and both produce the same result.
Not quite sure if this is as per OIDC specification.
Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.
In regards to Apple Developer Program License Agreement, section 3.3.9, it says that the app
may not collect user or device data without prior user consent ...
I would like to clarify whether or not this is only applicable for advertising purpose or applies to all of the apps submitted to App Store.
I use similar techniques for security purpose as part of the authentication journey in the mobile application to collect some information like device model, OS version, locale, timezone, location information and etc, but not IDFA. And I do not generate a unique identifier based on the collected information, and just generate the identifier based on my own logic (combined with device vendor identifier). Of course, with all the information that I'm collecting, I adhere the privacy consent setting as per those APIs requirement (such as location, or BLE usage).
I am not sure whether this section 3.3.9 was newly introduced as part of Apple's effort to increase security of user information that will be released in the next iOS version (together with IDFA). But would like to see if such activity that I'm doing would also be flagged and will eventually be rejected.
Any thoughts?
I'm currently trying to generate and store Private Key and protect this key with Local Authentication using Security framework (not CryptoKit; unfortunately, needed to support below iOS 13 still).
To be more precise, I am trying to generate Secure Enclave private key protected by local authentication (using access control with biometryAny), but I'm not able to trigger Local Authentication when retrieving the key. Secure Enclave key is successfully generated (that I confirmed), and I also confirmed that if I create a key without kSecAttrTokenID, exactly same code triggers the Local Authentication when reading the generated key.
Following is what I'm doing in my code:
// Key generation query
var query = [String: Any]()
query[String(kSecAttrKeyType)] = String(kSecAttrKeyTypeEC)
query[String(kSecAttrKeySizeInBits)] = 256
query[String(kSecAttrAccessGroup)] = "accessGroup"
query[String(kSecAttrTokenID)] = String(kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave)
// Key Attributes
var keyAttr = [String: Any]()
keyAttr[String(kSecAttrIsPermanent)] = true
keyAttr[String(kSecAttrApplicationTag)] = "applicationTag"
let accessControl = SecAccessControlCreateWithFlags(kCFAllocatorDefault, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly, .biometryAny, nil)!
keyAttr[String(kSecAttrAccessControl)] = accessControl
query[String(kSecPrivateKeyAttrs)] = keyAttr
// Generate Key
var error: Unmanaged<CFError>?
let privateKey = SecKeyCreateRandomKey(query as CFDictionary, &error)
If I remove "query[String(kSecAttrTokenID)] = String(kSecAttrTokenIDSecureEnclave)" this line of code which basically tells the system to generate the key using Secure Enclave, when retrieving the generated key, it triggers the Local Authentication, but with that Secure Enclave flag, Local Authentication is never triggered.
Is it not triggering the local authentication because the Secure Enclave key already protected with same level of security? or am I missing something here?
By the way, I tried with .userPresence and .biometryCurrentSet for Secure Enclave, but still had no luck.. :(
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi,I would like to ask one question in regards to HTTP status code 403 request with client certificate authentication challenge.So, I was implementing a solution that requires mutusl TLS which will set the delegate responded to the client identity authentication challenge, and experienced the issue when the request fails with 403, the iOS SDK returns the error NSURLErrorClientCertificateRequired rather than the error that was actually returned from the server side.I found the thread in the forum that explains the exactly the same issue, but would like to clarify few more things here.From my experiment, what I found is that this behaviour only happens for the first 5 or 10 minutes of NSURLSession's session.For example, I will get the NSURLErrorClientCertificateRequired only for the first five or ten minutes, and after that, I am receiving the expected error message from the server side.This reminds me of TLS caching issue back in iOS 9 or below with NSURLConnection and NSURLSession (which resolves by re-contructing NSURLSession object); however, in this case, it is not simple to reconstruct the NSURLSession object based on the response from the server side.Was this officially reported or known to Apple as a bug? or is this kind of expected behaviour? Is there any official statement from Apple acknowledging this issue (like known-issues)? Can you help me direct to places where I can find this information, if any?Thanks,