




RealityView Attachments normal
I have a view attachment attached to a hand anchor. When the attachment is facing away I don't want it to render. I might be missing something obvious, but I've made a System that runs on every render loop. In the update call I'm getting a reference to the Attachment using components. And this is as long as I got. I can't figure out how to get the normal of an Entity I receive in the update function. My plan was to take the head anchor normal and compare it to the entity normal. If they are facing each other I render the viewAttachment, otherwise not. Is there a simpler way? And if not, how do I get the normal of an entity?
Feb ’24
Interactive Widget & INPlayMediaIntent
I'm playing around with Interactive Widgets and I am trying to make one that starts playing audio content without bringing the app to the foreground. The new Button used in interactive widgets accepts an AppIntent, but INPlayMediaIntent doesn't conform to AppIntent. Starting to play something directly from an AppIntent doesn't seem to work either. The system kills my process if I try to call the following from an AppIntent: ''' try! AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true) '''
Jun ’23
0xdead10cc & NSPersistentCloudKitContainer
We're receiving crash reports where our app is killed by the system because of 0xdead10cc. If I understand correctly this is happening because our app has a file lock or SQLite database lock. Our app is using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and is indexing the data to Core Spotlight. In my naiveté I assumed that NSPersistentCloudKitContainer and Core Spotlight would release any locks when app is suspended. What is the best way to solve this? Asking for more background time doesn't feel like a solution, that will just postpone the crash.
Oct ’22