Hello, maybe I'm a bit late to the party but what worked for me when the app is killed and user delays unlocking for seconds is @Radther answer but adding UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .active as AND condition
func provider(_ provider: CXProvider, perform action: CXAnswerCallAction) {
checkUnlockedAndFulfill(action: action, counter: 0)
private func checkUnlockedAndFulfill(action: CXAnswerCallAction, counter: Int) {
if UIApplication.shared.isProtectedDataAvailable,
UIApplication.shared.applicationState == .active // <-- This
// Add your videocall view to view hierarchy here, not before
} else if counter > 30 { // Timeout in seconds
} else {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
self.checkUnlockedAndFulfill(action: action, counter: counter + 1)
I did try with RC 1 with no luck. I filled a Feedback issue in Beta 8 that is currently under investigation but still don't know if it is a bug or the intended behaviour.
@OldBrian If I understood you correctly, you tried something like:
struct testView: View {
@State private var predicate: Predicate<ModelA> = .true
private var filterType: ModelA.ModelAType = .type1
var body: some View {
.onAppear {
predicate = #Predicate<ModelA> { $0.type == self.filterType }
But it doesn't seem to work either as @sroebert said. Could you share an example?
Same problem here. Any news on this?
Still not fixed in xcode 15 Beta 3 🥲
Conform Enum to Codable
Remove default value
Boom 🤷🏻
Same here v13.3 (13E113)...