




P2P networking between Apple devices
I'm working on an app that does peer-to-peer communication between Apple devices. As far as I understand, the Network framework is a good choice for this. I have something that works, but I'm curious about the details of how this works and if I might somehow optimize this. My current understanding is that the best connection I can get between two devices is over AWDL. Is this true? If so, does Network use this? Can I ask it to use it preferentially? What kind of bandwidth and latency should I expect out of this, and are there any drawbacks to using it like power usage or transport limitations? If both devices are on the same LAN, I assume they can also talk to each other over Wi-Fi (or a wired connection if both are plugged in, I guess). If I use Bonjour service discovery, is this what I will be getting? What does Network do if the LAN network does not perform well? Will it swap the underlying connection if it figures out there is something better? I am not tied to any particular API or transport protocol, so any input on tradeoffs between ease of implementation/performance/reliability/whatever would be welcome :)
May ’24
How do I persist os_signposts so they don't get lost when the in-memory buffer overflows?
I have a tool that generates thousands of signpost events a second. Unfortunately, when profiling earlier signposts appear to get lost over the course of the run because they are not persisted and the buffer for these runs out. How can I get these to persist? For reference, I've filed a feedback for this as FB12129526, and more context can be found (in meme form) here:
Apr ’23
Converting an iOS app available for Apple silicon to a Mac app
As I understand it, Apple will be making most iOS apps available to Macs with Apple silicon automatically. I don't really have any issues with this in particular, since I don't have a Mac app right now, but I was curious if this automatic process would have implications in the future if I wanted to offer a full Mac application myself (either using Catalyst or native macOS frameworks). Would I be able to pull my app off the automatic program and make it available in the Mac App Store at that point?
Jun ’20