




Explaining Developer proceeds
Hello everyone, Recently I was asked to pull our sales data into our system on a daily bases, since there is a direct API to do that, it seemed a trivial task, but this quickly turned into a rabbit hole. requesting sales reports from the following API link can some one please elaborate on explaining the meanings of some fields? I know the meanings of the fields since they are well documented, but: 1- why is the number of units some times it's 1 and some times it goes in hundreds ? we don't sell the items in quantity of more than 1, and when the units are more than one, the developer proceeds is not multiplied by the units count 2- Developer proceeds should be 70% since apple takes 30% cut and 85% when the user has been subsribed for more than one year, that's never the case! most of the records give us 60% and 70% WHEN it's more than one year subscription, regardless of the currency or the count, it's never solid number, always 61.4% or some weird number that I couldn't explain 3- as I understood there is no way to pull the financial reports from the API, making this task impossible without the currency exchange thank you in advance
Aug ’21
Disabling new purchases for recurring subscriptions
Hello everyone, we have some recurring subscriptions that are supposed to be deprecated, we want the old users to be able to continue on the old plans as long as they want to, renew as many times as they like with no issues. but we want to block any new subscriptions for these old plans, we obviously removed the items from our apps long time ago, but some people are still able to trigger a purchase some how and it appears in our records. I think this is from apple's API, I can block the user from redeeming his purchase if he is a new user, but he would have already paid to apple (and to us). Is there a way to block the item from apple's side? disabling the item from itunesconnect will disable renewals for the current users thanks in advance.
Jul ’21