




Can volunteer groups apply for a developer ID ?
There is a volunteer run group on GitHub who maintain a well known public domain cross-platform Python script. They build binaries for Linux, Windows and macOS. The macOS binaries are only ad-hoc signed. Thus, in macOS 15, they are rejected by Gatekeeper – requiring user intervention to be used. There are a lot of components each of which must be approved in "Settings" with admin credentials. It would be best if these binaries were code signed. However, the core group of devs changes over time and so, using one person's name might not be ideal. Can such a volunteer group apply for a developer certificate so that they can sign the macOS binaries ? I ask because Apple's requirements for enrolling in the Development Program include that an organisation be a legal entity and this group is not a legal entity. Thnaks.
Oct ’24
macOS 15 – Is AppleScript a Gatekeeper workaround ?
I have tried to manually install binaries using Finder by clicking and dragging from the Desktop into "/usr/local/bin/". The binaries come with a collection of frameworks etc. All the binaries are adhoc signed. macOS asks for Admin credentials which is fine. But then, when I execute the binaries in Terminal, Gatekeeper shows the now expected "'[binary"] Not Opened Apple could not verify ........" etc. It shows that dialog for every component and requires user input 2-3 times to allow each component of which there are perhaps dozens. BUT, none of that happens if I install those binaries using AppleScript. So, it might have a call like this: do shell script "curl -L " & download_URL & " -o " & download_binary_zip with administrator privileges do shell script "unzip -o " & download_binary_zip & " -d " & usr_bin_folder with administrator privileges The resulting installs work perfectly. Is this intended ? Using both install methods requires Admin credentials. Why does using a script work but using Finder does not ?
Oct ’24
Can't get Xcode to parse the code in one file in editor
I'm a beginner so please forgive my use of wrong terminology. I have been working through the Apple tutorial on SwiftUI. I tried to edit the PreviewProvider in "ContentView.swift" made a mistake and tried to revert back. I have checked that the code is now as it was when it worked. But, the code in that file is not showing the same as before – it has none of the colours which show that Xcode has parsed and checked the code. Thus, the canvas is not showing. The code looks like this: Nonetheless, the project builds and runs without error. How can I make Xcode parse a file and thus show the canvas ?
Jan ’24
Can't get "shortcuts sign" to work
According to the Shortcuts User Guide, the following command should sign a shortcut: shortcuts sign --mode anyone --input "Share me.shortcut" --output "Share me signed.shortcut" I have tried that formulation but get this error: Error: The file couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format. So, I tried to sign an exported shortcut: shortcuts sign --mode anyone --input /Users/[Home]/Test.shortcut --output /Users/[Home]/Test-signed.shortcut That returns nothing suggesting there was no error. But codesign says: /Users/[Home]/Test-signed.shortcut: code object is not signed at all Is code signing working for shortcuts ? Is there a way to sign a shortcut ?
Apr ’23
Shortcuts – how do users install and how to use URL scheme ?
I would like to distribute a Shortcut with my AppleScript applet (currently the work is done by an Automator Service). I have two questions: Is it possible to automate the installation for users ? It seems that the only way a shortcut can be installed is via the Shortcuts app. So, when they ask for the Shortcut to be installed, the app must be opened and then users have to respond to the install shortcut dialog and, at least, click on "Add Shortcut". Can that process be automated ? A shortcut can be run from a URL, which is very useful. The URL looks like this: shortcuts://run-shortcut?name=[name of shortcut] However, running a shortcut from a URL always opens the Shortcuts app before running the shortcut. This breaks my code which is expecting a web browser to be active. Is there a way of using at the shortcuts URL scheme run the shortcut in place i.e. without opening the shortcuts app ? Or, can the URL scheme be used to call the Shortcuts Event app ? Thanks.
Apr ’23
Notarising applet: "Error: No Keychain password item found for profile: <>"
I am trying to submit my AppleScript applet for notarization. My applet is code signed using my developer id. I have stored an app-specific password in my logins keychain with the correct name and account. My developer id is not connected with multiple teams. I tried this on the command line: xcrun notarytool submit "/Users/[home]/Desktop/[applet].zip" --keychain-profile "[name]" --wait The response, very quickly, was: "Error: No Keychain password item found for profile: [name]". Is something else needed to enable notarytool to find the Keychain login item ? Thanks.
Apr ’23
AppleScript – "text item delimiters" uses non-specified delimiters - FIXED
SOLVED I want to parse some plain text and pull out the 11th and 13th words. I can't get it to work because "text item delimiters" sometimes treats additional characters as delimiters. set test_text to "one two three four five six seven eight nine ten elev-en twelve thir-teen" set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "} set word_11 to word 11 of test_text set word_12 to word 12 of test_text set word_13 to word 13 of test_text set word_14 to word 14 of test_text set word_15 to word 15 of test_text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" log word_11 & " " & word_12 & " " & word_13 & " " & word_14 & " " & word_15 The result is: (elev en twelve thir teen) But the result should be an error – it should NOT be using the hyphen as a delimiter. Why is the hyphen being used as a delimiter ? UPDATE: Because I should be using "text item" instead of "word"
Mar ’23
Ventura – Applescript applets no longer hide ?
Ventura 12.3 seems to have broken part of my Applescript applet – it no longer hides reliably. Previously pressing command-h or choosing the app menu=>Hide [applet] would cause the applet to hide. This has been working for over 5 years. Now, sometimes, the applet does not hide – instead it just loses the focus. Then, clicking on the applet does not give it the focus – but clicking on the titlebar does. But, often, the applet hides normally. I can't find a pattern except it might make a difference if hiding the applet would shift focus to Finder. If this is due to an announced change in Ventura can someone point me to the documentation ? Otherwise, what could be going on ? Thanks.
Nov ’22
Cannot install macOS 13.0.1 update
My Apple ID a member of the Apple Developer Program. So, Software Update shows that I can install Ventura 13.1 beta 2 which is fine. I want to install the Ventura 13.0.1 update. But, Software Update does not show the 13.0.1 update (see capture). Is there a way to force Software Update to show production updates as well as beta versions ? Thanks.
Nov ’22
AppleScript tell Finder to open file => Permission error
I have a plain text file saved to my Desktop the result of an earlier script. I have a simple AppleScript telling Finder to open the text file: set open_this to (path to desktop as text) & "Test.txt" tell application "Finder" to open alias open_this This results in the error: "The document "Test.txt" could not be opened. You don't have permission. To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info." Weirdly, if I duplicate the text file and tell Finder to open it I get: "Finder got an error: Handler can’t handle objects of this class." I've check permissions on the file and they look normal – my user account has read & write permission. I have given "Full Disk Access" to Script Debugger, my AppleScript IDE. This was a known bug in macOS 12.3/12.3.1 and I thought it has been fixed in 12.4 when I tested the beta. But, it is definitely a bug in macOS 12.4. Does anyone have a way in AppleScript of telling Finder to open a file ?
Jul ’22
Mac Studio – Wake from sleep – Desktop picture not stretching to fill Desktop
On wake from sleep the Mac Studio's Desktop picture is shown in actual resolution instead of stretched to fit screen. For example, a picture which is 2059 × 1371 is shown at that resolution on a 5K Retina screen and so only fills about 60% of the screen area. It starts with the picture positioned in the top left corner but sometimes moves down the screen. This behaviour does not change if the screen is scaled up or down – the picture size is also scaled. Notice that icons on the Desktop are displayed in the correct position. At the same time, the Dock is shown at the bottom of the picture instead of at the bottom of the screen. Usually, the Desktop redisplays correctly. But increasingly, the only solution is to log out and in again. This might be related to my other question on the Desktop picture Pref Pane. See attached example which is a full screen capture i.e. command-shift-3 (with my personal details obscured):
Apr ’22