




Comment on iPhone 14 Pro (and 14 Pro Max) Native Screen Size
Thanks for your feedback. No, no mix-up. Real iPhone 14 Pro of one of my user reports 390x844 @3x = 1170x2532. Unless iPhone15,2 is not "iPhone 14 Pro" it seems that with iOS 16.0.2 iPhone 14 Pro is exposed with same screen size than iPhone 12, 13, 14, and 12 Pro, 13 Pro. Here is the custom log I'm receiving from my user device : iOS Version: iOS 16.0.2 / ModelName: (iPhone15,2) / ScreenBound: 390.0 x 844.0 / NativeScreenSize: 1170.0 x 2532.0 / ScreenSize: 390.0 x 844.0
Sep ’22
Comment on Xcode 15: Disable the content margins for widget preview? (contentMarginsDisabled)
Thank you very much ! Would you mind having a look to that question too: I having hard time to work around that issue with Widget Interactivity that sometimes (when tapping multiple times on a widget button) opens the app ignoring the tapped button intent. I Just need to know if this is considered as a bug that will be fixed before iOS 17 release or if interactive widgets are not supposed to be fully interactive.
Aug ’23
Comment on SwiftData with two Stores
Thanks for information. I'll need to support iOS version before 17.4 so I will use two containers (one per conf) but can I use both at same time or should I switch ? In the example below, still only first container is loaded... var firstContainer: ModelContainer var secondContainer: ModelContainer var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { HomeView() } .modelContainer(firstDataContainer) .modelContainer(secondDataContainer) }
Feb ’24