In addition, this is not a question for the developers forum. It would be much more appropriate to post on Apple support community.
Welcome to the forum.
You must have seen intermediary status during archiving.
What were they ? At which step exactly are you blocked ?
Did you get network connection issue ?
You can always delete the archive and create a new one.
I tested your code in Xcode 16.1ß3 (Swift 6.0.2).
It apparently works.
I even tested with
return lhs.count == rhs.count && lhs.title == rhs.title
Could you show complete code to reproduce ? Where exactly do you declare MyView ?
Unfortunately, I can't tell if anything changed.
But if you ask each subview to be visible, do you get them ?
Or try (I did not test) to makeKeyAndOrderFront, with something like:
The problem is that you use @environmentObject inside a class and not a View.
It is not allowed to do so.
A solution here:
What is exactly the name of the app you deleted ?
As explained here,
you may have a colon (:) in a name of a file or directory. Or leading spaces. In any case, a name is invalid for Xcode. You should find and remove.
Hope that helps.
Old post for sure.
Could you post a complete code, so that we can try to reproduce and find solution ?
So my explanation was wrong. It is now again last 24 hours.
Welcome to the forum.
Which type of app is it ?
I understand it is an update, not a first release ?
You could contact support and ask.
Hey, I did not notice, but that's the case.
It is clearly intentional, probably to reflect that data are updated once a day, so what you get is not the last 24 hours (from 10 am yesterday to 10 am today when you look at it).
So it is more appropriate to say that' yesterday, from midnight to midnight.
However, I noticed the counter may tell a positive number of units but none shown in graphics.
I just filed a bug report – FB15722868
Yes you have to provide for one iPhone (6.7 or 6.9") and one iPad (12.9").
No, you have not to provide for the 20 cases !
In your case, a short video could be a good option.
At the end, it is not a user manual, it is more marketing material. What is expected is that user understands how it will play the game. And also find it attractive to play.
Which means that it is probably not the best thing to "shows all modes and the next screen which compactly shows all the games, example of dark mode"
Do I need to go through a testing process
Yes, of course. And remind your app will not pass review if reviewer finds a bug.
But precise answer may depend on what you mean.
You need to test extensively: that means testing all the functions of your app in various conditions: for instance, if user has to enter a value, test with different values including "incorrect" values. Test also the performance if that is important for your app. If you write a user manual, that's a good way to be sure you test in a user perspective, not only a developer one.
But you are not required to go through a specific test method or process. It is up to you to select the best, possibly some tool to organise test.
You may have a look here:
Usually (at least that's how I use it), selection is a Set:
@State private var selectedID: Set<UUID> = []
Of course, you have to extract from set to pass to navigation, but that's easy, as set has usually a single item. You could create a computed var to do so.
Then, clearing the selection is simply done by resetting to empty set.
What @darkpaw said is important. Do not change TextField behaviour.
But you can do something if you really need.
Subclass TextField (call it ControlledTextField for instance).
add an activation button on the side
TextField is editable only when activated
So, that will be some kind of double tap, or trigger and fire.
Hope that helps.