




How to get on the front page of the visionOS App Store?
I released a visionOS native app, and am about to release an update. Problem is, even with keywords and whatnot, my app can't be found on the App Store unless you search it by name. It's not discoverable at all. It doesn't show up in any lists, not even what's new. It seems Search Ads are only for iOS and iPad, so I can't even buy help. What can I do to reach people? How can I at least get on the what's new list for visionOS?
Jun ’24
GroundingShadowComponent tanks performance even when set to false
Working on a vision OS app. I've noticed that even when castsShadow is false, performance goes down the drain when there are more than a few dozen entities that have GroundingShadowComponent. I managed to hard crash the Vision Pro with about 200 or so entities that each had two ModelEntities with GroundingShadowComponent attached but set to castShadows = false. My solution is to add and remove the GroundingShadowComponent from entities as needed, but I thought maybe someone at Apple might want to look into this. I don't expect great performance with that many entities casting shadows, but I'd think turning the shadow off would effectively disable the component and not incur a performance penalty.
May ’24