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Upgrading to 15.0 Xcode introduces a build error Command: xcodebuild build -configuration Release -arch x86_64 SDKROOT=<path to 10.14 sdk>/MacOSX.sdk Error: error: failed to deserialize Info.plist task context: Deserialization failed: SDK lookup failed for canonical name: macosx10.14 Everything works fine when I use Xcode 14.3.1
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When I call the completion handler from the following User Notification Center delegate function and pass UNNotificationPresentationOptions.sound I still get the notification banner: override func userNotificationCenter( _ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void ) { completionHandler(.sound) } All I want is a way to just make a notification sound without showing the notification while the app is in the foreground. Any ideas? This is how I am requesting authorization: [[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter] requestAuthorizationWithOptions: (UNAuthorizationOptionBadge | UNAuthorizationOptionSound) completionHandler: ^ (BOOL granted, NSError * _Nullable error) { }]; This is the notification request: var notification = UNMutableNotificationContent() if (notification != nil) { notification.categoryIdentifier = "id" notification.sound = .default notification.title = "title" notification.body = "body" request = UNNotificationRequest( identifier: NSUUID().uuidString, content: notification, trigger: nil ) UNUserNotificationCenter.current().add(request) { (error) in }
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I am facing an issue where I am trying to launch my application that includes a third party's dylib. Every time I launch I get the following error on the xcode console: dyld[8660]: Library not loaded: '[thirdparty].dylib' Referenced from: '/Path/To/' '/usr/lib/system/introspection/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/system/introspection/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '//[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file) I can confirm that the [thirdparty].dylib file is in the folder. I tried to see what happens if I put the [thirdparty].dylib file in /usr/local/lib. The dylib can load but I get the following when I launch: dyld[8743]: Library not loaded: '[thirdparty].dylib' Referenced from: '/Path/To/' Reason: tried: '/usr/lib/system/introspection/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (code signature in <15232DEE-7E9E-3788-9D5D-5C677821DD10> '/usr/local/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy), '/usr/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/system/introspection/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '//[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (code signature in <15232DEE-7E9E-3788-9D5D-5C677821DD10> '/usr/local/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy), '/usr/lib/[thirdparty].dylib' (no such file) Is not valid for use in process: library load disallowed by system policy a clue? Other things I've tried: Ensure that the dylib files were not symbolic links to see if it was a de-referencing issue Manually resigning Made sure the dylib is "Embeded & Signed" under General>Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content Upgrading from Xcode 13.4 to 14.2. Issue still occurs.
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I have a sandbox application that uses bookmarks and are frequently used on external volumes. Let's say I created a Security Scoped Bookmark on a user's external volume "d" and do read/write operations on it from time to time. What should I do when the user recreates volume "d"? I.e. what if the user goes into Disk Utility and does an Erase on the volume, using the same name. Do I need to wait for the user to allow the app to use the volume again or is there a way for me to manually ask for permission? Any best practices for this case scenario?
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Hello, If I have an app that utilizes Push Notifications, my application's entitlements will look like the following: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <string>development</string> </dict> </plist> As a result, I see that the app bundle includes a embedded.provisionprofile binary file since Push Notifications requires it. Say I copy the app bundle over to another location on my machine. When I code sign the newly copied app bundle, will I need to do something with the embedded.provisionprofile? Best, Brando
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