




How to solve the Enqueued and Thread issues thought the In App Purchase?
I looked rest of the code to check to look it was perfect, no missed by the followed the StoreKit tutorials by Apple Inc, and YouTube channel, too. I believed I was very closer to completed IAP! somehow, I noticed I got three codes to show the gray error that shows up after the app has frozen while it appeared sandbox account UIAlertController to purchase the products. One Code Results: Error: Enqueued from (Thread 1) func purchase(product: IAPProduct) { 				 				guard let productToPurchase = products.filter({ 																												 						$0.productIdentifier == product.rawValue 						 				}).first else { 					 						return 						 				} 			 let payment = SKPayment(product: productToPurchase) 				/* Code Crashed 				paymentQueue.add(payment) 				*/ 		} I built UITableView to show an Episode with the Purchase version. The error was the same as the previous code. 		if indexPath.row == 3 { 												 				 /* code crashed 				 IAPService.shared.purchase(product: .epsiode4non_consumable) 				 */ 		} Now This is a final code that has shown one word by the error that says; "Thread" without mentioning any what is the issues. extension IAPService: SKPaymentTransactionObserver { 		func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { 				for transaction in transactions { 						 						print(transaction.transactionState.status(), transaction.payment.productIdentifier) 						 						switch transaction.transactionState { 						 						case .purchased: 								 							 SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction) 							 SKPaymentQueue.default().remove(self) 								print("Successful Purchased!") 								queue.finishTransaction(transaction) 								 						case .failed: 								 								SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction) 								SKPaymentQueue.default().remove(self) 								print("Purchase is Failed.") 								queue.finishTransaction(transaction) 								 						case .restored: 								 								SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction) 								SKPaymentQueue.default().remove(self) 								print("Purchase Restore is Successful.") 								queue.finishTransaction(transaction) 								 						case .deferred: 								 								SKPaymentQueue.default().finishTransaction(transaction) 								SKPaymentQueue.default().remove(self) 								print("Purchase is Deferred.") 								queue.finishTransaction(transaction) 								 								 								/* code crashed 							 default: queue.finishTransaction(transaction) 								*/ 						} 				} 		 } 	} I have no idea what is thread stands for? Someone can give me some tips about Thread for IAP issues?
Jan ’21
Did Apple removed Translate SF Symbol in SF Symbol 2?
I have a SF Symbol 2.0 Beta 1 app installed, it has show up Translate SF Symbol. However, I never been updated since SF Symbol 2 announced it. However, I just noticed SF Symbol 2 was officially public released in the few months ago. So I updated it and translate has gone, even few of SF Symbol, too! Did Apple removed those of new SF Symbols in SF Symbol 2 in public version?
Dec ’20