




What does this "Inferior" mean in Xcode UI?
When launching Xcode today, I saw this thing (see attached image) I do not remember seeing before. Anyone knows what this "Inferior" means? Could not find anything from Xcode docs or searching the internets. Hovering over or clicking it does nothing. My code is inferior? Something else is inferior? This seems to be visible in all my projects open currently, some Swift, some Swift + SwiftUI and some C++. Edit: Xcode version is 15.4 (15F31d). Build number, by the way, seems to be overlaid to Xcode icon when switching apps using command-tab. Don't remember seeing that before either.
Sep ’24
Process() run() and waitForExit() get stuck when running mvn tests
I am developing a tool for myself using Swift and SwiftUI where I can retrieve student projects using git and then running Maven tests for the projects. The app is not sandboxed, since it is just for my personal use. I use Process to launch git clone or git pull, and then get the commit log and parse the commit data to the app database. All this works just fine, I can see the app database table populated with repository commit data. But when I do the same to execute Maven tests, and call try process.waitUntilExit() The process never returns, unlike running git the same way. The only difference is the command executed and the arguments given to Process. In the process view, I can see that there is a java child process running in my app, but it never (like in tens of minutes I have waited) completes. Running the same mvn test command...: /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/mvn -Dstyle.color=never -Dtest=ReverseArrayRangeTests test ...from command line finishes in a couple of seconds. While running the Maven command below executes just fine from Process: /opt/apache-maven-3.6.3/bin/mvn -DskipTests -Dstyle.color=never package In this case, I can see the output from the process while it builds the .jar package from the project. Is there something special in running mvn test command, running Java in the child process, that it just does not work? Takes too much resources or something? macOS limiting what the child process can do, even though the app is not sandboxed? I have also tried to Archive the app and run it outside of Xcode debugging, but that doesn't change anything. My previous solution was to run the tests separately in Terminal using a shell script, saving the test results to a log file the app then read and parsed. But I'd like to do everything within the same GUI app, if possible. Any ideas?
Oct ’23
Adding a Widget extension to Multiplatform app targeting macOS iOS and iPadOS
I am developing an app having multiple targets ("Supported destination") in my Xcode project. I am targeting macOS, iOS and iPadOS with the app. While the macOS target was active, I added a WidgetKit extension selecting the macOS as target for the widget extension, since there is no option to add a multiplatform WidgetKit target to the project. Obviously now when switching to iPad or iPhone targets, the app does not build, since the error: Your target is built for iOS but contains embedded content built for the macOS platform (XxxxWidgetExtension.appex), which is not allowed. Is there a way to configure the WidgetKit extension to all platforms? I should not have platform dependent code in the extension implementation. Or must I abandon the app having multiple destinations, and add separate targets for macOS, iOS and iPadOS and add separate WidgetKit extensions to these targets? Xcode Version 14.3.1 (14E300c), targeting iOS 16.2, macOS 13.1.
Jun ’23
Cannot add Apple Watch only app screenshots
I have an independent Watch app in App Store Connect, not yet submitted for rewiew. I had some screenshots for an earlier build uploaded, but since in later builds I changed the UI, I removed the screenshots to add new ones. However, when I drag & drop the image files on the area in the App Store Connect, this does not work. All I see is the image file blurred, overlaid is a progress indicator which does not advance at all. Even if I wait like an hour or so. Same thing happens if I select the add screenshots link. When looking at Safari Inspector, I see HTTP 404 and 409 errors, related to some javascript with something related to app clips, but obviously this cannot be so since the watchOS app does not have app clips. Don't know if these details matter, but app is multilingual (three languages), Apple Watch app only, so no associated iOS app. I am able to provide builds through Archiver in Xcode. The app icon from the app assets do show up in the App Store Connect. Can this be an issue: I did first upload version 1.0.0 of the app. Then when adding new features, upgraded the version to 1.0.1 and removed the 1.0.0 from the App Store Connect. Can this cause the issue, and if yes, how can I fix this? I already sent a support request four days ago but haven't heard from Apple dev support yet.
Oct ’20
nsurlsessiond does not activate app to process URLSessionTask
My independent watch app successfully initiates a background task with WKExtension.scheduleBackgroundRefresh and then uses URLSession and URLSessionConfiguration to launch a background download task URLSessionDownloadTask. This successfully completes, as I can see from the logs: file is downloaded into a temp file. Context: Xcode Version 12.0 beta 2, watchOS beta 2 in the Simulator (not on real device). This happens in my ExtensionDelegate when my app's complication is in the watch face. But then the download task is not completed in the URLSessionDownloadDelegate, since in the log says: Will wake client com.organization.appname.watchkitapp.watchkitextension for session app-session-id-on-background if we receive a notification that it supports launch-on-demand So, how can I add support for launch-on-demand for my app and give the notification to satisfy nsurlsessiond? I've seen some discussions that this would work on a real device. However cannot test this yet on an Apple Watch with watchOS beta 7.
Jul ’20