nsurlsessiond does not activate app to process URLSessionTask

My independent watch app successfully initiates a background task with WKExtension.scheduleBackgroundRefresh and then uses URLSession and URLSessionConfiguration to launch a background download task URLSessionDownloadTask. This successfully completes, as I can see from the logs: file is downloaded into a temp file.

Context: Xcode Version 12.0 beta 2, watchOS beta 2 in the Simulator (not on real device).

This happens in my ExtensionDelegate when my app's complication is in the watch face.

But then the download task is not completed in the URLSessionDownloadDelegate, since in the log com.apple.nsurlsessiond says:

Code Block language
Will wake client com.organization.appname.watchkitapp.watchkitextension for session app-session-id-on-background if we receive a notification that it supports launch-on-demand

So, how can I add support for launch-on-demand for my app and give the notification to satisfy nsurlsessiond?

I've seen some discussions that this would work on a real device. However cannot test this yet on an Apple Watch with watchOS beta 7.
Answered by AndyJJ in 629437022
OK this works when not using the new Swift App struct. Instead, it works using hosting controller and extension, notifications defined using storyboards. Haven't yet tested if beta 6 makes any difference.
Accepted Answer
OK this works when not using the new Swift App struct. Instead, it works using hosting controller and extension, notifications defined using storyboards. Haven't yet tested if beta 6 makes any difference.
Please do try beta 6, as it should be fixed there.
Thanks will try!
Verifying that this works now.
nsurlsessiond does not activate app to process URLSessionTask