I have a simple SwiftUI application with CoreData and two views. One view displays all "Place" objects. You can create new places and you can show the details for the place.
Inside the second view you can add "PlaceItem"s to a place.
The problem is that, once a new "PlaceItem" is added to the viewContext, the @NSFetchRequest seems to forget about its additional predicates, which I set in onAppear. Then every place item is shown inside the details view. Once I update the predicate manually (the refresh button), only the items from the selected place are visible again.
Any idea how this can be fixed? Here's the code for my two views:
struct PlaceView: View {
@FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) private var places: FetchedResults<Place>
@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(places) { place in
NavigationLink {
PlaceItemsView(place: place)
} label: {
Text(place.name ?? "")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button {
let place = Place(context: viewContext)
place.name = NSUUID().uuidString
try! viewContext.save()
} label: {
Label("Add", systemImage: "plus")
struct PlaceItemsView: View {
@ObservedObject var place: Place
@FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: []) private var items: FetchedResults<PlaceItem>
@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
func updatePredicate() {
items.nsPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "place == %@", place)
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(items) { item in
Text(item.name ?? "");
.onAppear(perform: updatePredicate)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .primaryAction) {
Button {
let item = PlaceItem(context: viewContext)
item.place = place
item.name = NSUUID().uuidString
try! viewContext.save()
} label: {
Label("Add", systemImage: "plus")
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarLeading) {
Button(action: updatePredicate) {
Label("Refresh", systemImage: "arrow.clockwise")
.navigationTitle(place.name ?? "")
struct ContentView: View {
@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Explore the various UI frameworks available for building app interfaces. Discuss the use cases for different frameworks, share best practices, and get help with specific framework-related questions.
Our app use UIPasteControl for people taps to place pasteboard contents in UITextView.
It worked fine at first, but recently received a lot of user feedback and the button suddenly disappeared
This problem usually occurs when an App switches between the front and back
More Information
When the button disappears, we find that the child view of the UIPasteControl control which name _UISlotView has a size of zero.
we use UIKit and AutoLayout,limit button size (100, 36)
let config = UIPasteControl.Configuration()
config.displayMode = .labelOnly
config.cornerStyle = .fixed
config.baseForegroundColor = .white
config.baseBackgroundColor = .black
config.cornerRadius = 18
let btn = UIPasteControl(configuration: config)
pasteBtn = btn
pasteBtn.snp.makeConstraints { make in
make.size.equalTo(CGSize(width: 100, height: 36))
UI view information
<UIPasteControl: 0x107dda810; frame = (0 0; 100 36); layer = <CALayer: 0x3010ff000>>
(lldb) po [0x107dda810 subviews]
<__NSSingleObjectArrayI 0x30152ff00>(
<_UISlotView: 0x107dea630; frame = (0 0; 100 36); userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x3010eb460>>
anyone meet before? is there a workaround?
I see this error in the debugger:
#FactoryInstall Unable to query results, error: 5
IPCAUClient.cpp:129 IPCAUClient: bundle display name is nil
Error in destroying pipe Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "The connection from pid 5476 on anonymousListener or serviceListener was invalidated from this process." UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=The connection from pid 5476 on anonymousListener or serviceListener was invalidated from this process.}
on this function:
func speakItem() {
let utterance = AVSpeechUtterance(string: item.toString())
utterance.voice = AVSpeechSynthesisVoice(language: "en-GB")
try? AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategory(.playback)
utterance.rate = 0.3
let synthesizer = AVSpeechSynthesizer()
When running without the debugger, it will (usually) speak once, then it won't speak unless I tap the button that calls this function many times.
I know AVSpeech has problems that Apple is long aware of, but I'm wondering if anyone has a work around. I was thinking there might be a way to call the destructor for AVSpeechUtterance and generate a new object each time speech is needed, but utterance.deinit() shows: "Deinitializers cannot be accessed"
Thanks in advance for your help! after adding the GooglePlaces package dependency, I added 'import GooglePlaces' to my App.Swift file, and content no longer previews. Thoughts?
I am learning swift ui by mimicing stickies but i am having issue with richtextui
ViewBridge to RemoteViewService Terminated: Error Domain=com.apple.ViewBridge Code=18 "(null)" UserInfo={com.apple.ViewBridge.error.hint=this process disconnected remote view controller -- benign unless unexpected, com.apple.ViewBridge.error.description=NSViewBridgeErrorCanceled}
Why it is connecting to remote service when i develop it in local for mac
UI error is this. I type cursor moves and no text displayed. changed color to everything
some code
import SwiftUI
import AppKit
struct RichTextEditor: NSViewRepresentable {
@Binding var attributedText: NSAttributedString
var isEditable: Bool = true
var textColor: NSColor = .black
var backgroundColor: NSColor = .white
var font: NSFont = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
I only started swift ui 2 day ago. Bought mac mini 4 3 day ago to develop ios app but learning mac app first to get experience with mac environment
Who can help
Contact me via discord alexk3434
I need mac developer friends.
I've got a List containing Colour objects. Each colour may have an associated Project Colour object.
What I'm trying to do is set it up so that you can tap a cell and it will add/remove a project colour.
The adding/removing is working, but each time I do so, it appears the whole view is reloaded, the scroll position is reset and any predicate is removed.
This code I have so far
List {
ForEach(colourList) { section in
let header : String = section.id
Section(header: Text(header)) {
ForEach(section) { colour in
HStack {
if checkIfProjectColour(colour: colour) {
Image(systemName: "checkmark")
VStack(alignment: .leading){
HStack {
if let name = colour.name {
.onTapGesture {
if checkIfProjectColour(colour: colour) {
removeProjectColour(colour: colour)
} else {
addProjectColour(colour: colour)
.onAppear() {
filters = appSetting.filters
colourList.nsPredicate = getFilterPredicate()
print("predicate: on appear - \(String(describing: getFilterPredicate()))")
.refreshable {
.searchable(text: $searchText)
.onSubmit(of: .search) {
colourList.nsPredicate = getFilterPredicate()
.onChange(of: searchText) {
colourList.nsPredicate = getFilterPredicate()
The checkIfProjectColour function
func checkIfProjectColour(colour : Colour) -> Bool {
if let proCols = project.projectColours {
for proCol in proCols {
let proCol = proCol as! ProjectColour
if let col = proCol.colour {
if col == colour {
return true
return false
and the add/remove functions
func addProjectColour(colour : Colour) {
let projectColour = ProjectColour(context: viewContext)
projectColour.project = project
projectColour.colour = colour
do {
try viewContext.save()
} catch {
let nsError = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nsError), \(nsError.userInfo)")
func removeProjectColour(colour: Colour) {
if let proCols = project.projectColours {
for proCol in proCols {
let proCol = proCol as! ProjectColour
if let col = proCol.colour {
if col == colour {
do {
try viewContext.save()
} catch {
let nsError = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nsError), \(nsError.userInfo)")
Hey guys,
I'm totally unexperienced in Swift coding and I'm doing my first steps using Swift Playgrounds on my macOS as well as on my iPadOS.
I'm setting up a simple App that can be divided in 4 main categories (Splash, Authentication, Content, Setup). Each category (except the Splash as the short intro when running the app) can have a NavigationStack (e. g. switching between login view, register view, forgott password view in authentication). So I thought about having a root view for each of them. My google research gave me lots of ways and hints but it's not clear at all for me if I should and how I should do this. I often read about a RootViewController but I guess that's UIKit stuff and nothing for SwiftUI. Then I read about delegates and such. Then, I read an article that exactly fits my goals and I just liked to get your opinion what you think about this way to solve my plan:
First of all, I define a separate class for a appRootManager:
final class appRootManager: ObservableObject {
enum eRootViews {
case Splash, Authentification, Content, Setup
@Published var currentRoot: eRootViews = .Splash
The main app file looks like this:
struct MyApp: App {
@StateObject private var oRootManager = appRootManager()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup() {
Group {
switch oRootManager.currentRoot {
case .Splash:
case .Authentification:
case .Content:
case .Setup:
.modelContainer(for: [Account.self])
In each of the for root view files (e. g. Splash view) I make the appRootManager addressable and switch the root view by updating the enum value, like for example:
struct viewSplash: View {
@EnvironmentObject private var oRootManager: appRootManager
var body: some View {
ZStack {
Text("Hello World")
.onAppear() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3) {
withAnimation(.spring()) {oRootManager.currentRoot = .Authentification}
It works fine and does exactly what I like to have (when I run the app out of Swift Playgrounds). I'm just wondering why it does not work in the App Preview in Swift Playgrounds and this is why I'd like to have your opinion to the way I solve my plan.
I'm very happy for any feedback. Thanks a lot in anticipation!
Kind regards
In my iOS App I present a QLPreviewController where I want to display a locally stored Video from the iPhone's document directory.
let previewController = QLPreviewController()
previewController.dataSource = self
self.present(previewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
func previewController(_ controller: QLPreviewController, previewItemAt index: Int) -> QLPreviewItem {
let url = urlForPreview
return url! as QLPreviewItem
This seems to work fine for all but one of my testflight users. He is using an iPhone 12 with iOS18.0.1. The screen becomes unresponsive. He cannot pause the video, share it or close the QLPreviewController.
In his logfile I see the following error...
[AVAssetTrack loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys:completionHandler:] invoked with unrecognized keys (
Any ideas?.
The Problem
When transitioning between view controllers that each have their own MTKView but share a Metal renderer backend, we run into delegate ownership conflicts. Only one MTKView can successfully render at a time, since setting the delegate on one view requires removing it from the other, leading to paused views during transitions.
For my app, I need to display the same visuals across multiple views and have them all render correctly.
Current Implementation Approach
I've created a container object that manages the MTKView and its relationship with the shared renderer:
class RenderContainer {
let metalView: MTKView
private let renderer: MetalRenderer
func startRendering() {
metalView.delegate = renderer
metalView.isPaused = false
func stopRendering() {
metalView.isPaused = true
metalView.delegate = nil
View controllers manage the rendering lifecycle in their view appearance methods:
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
Observations & Issues
During view controller transitions, one MTKView must stop rendering before the other can start. Also there is no guarantee that the old view will stop rendering before the new one starts, with the current API design.
This creates a visual "pop" during animated transitions
Setting isPaused = true helps prevent unnecessary render calls but doesn't solve the core delegate ownership problem
The shared renderer maintains its state but can only output to one view at a time
What's the recommended approach for handling MTKView delegate ownership during animated transitions?
Are there ways to maintain visual continuity without complex view hierarchies?
Should I consider alternative architectures for sharing the Metal content between views?
Any insights for this scenario would be appreciated.
I am developing a WebDriver agent for automation and using dictionaryRepresentation to retrieve the coordinates of the iOS app hierarchy. However, I am encountering an issue with the accuracy of the x and y coordinates.
Approach Tried
I tested the setup on:
iPhone 12 Pro Max (iOS 16.2): Accuracy issues with the coordinates were observed.
iPhone SE (3rd Generation) (iOS 16.2): Coordinates were accurate for tap actions, with no issues identified.
It appears that devices with fingerprint biometric authentication provide accurate coordinates.
Can anyone help here to understand is there anything wrong in the code. Are do we have to adjust frame of the element for different devices?
Sample Code
- (NSDictionary *)json_tree
NSDictionary<XCUIElementAttributeName, id>
*dictionaryRepresentation = [[self snapshotWithError:nil] dictionaryRepresentation];
return [self.class dictionaryForElementAttributes:dictionaryRepresentation recursive:YES];
// This method converts the dictionary to CGRect, handling any broken frame values (e.g., Infinity)
+ (CGRect)handleBrokenFrameFromDict:(id)frameDict {
if ([frameDict isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
CGFloat originX = [frameDict[@"X"] floatValue];
CGFloat originY = [frameDict[@"Y"] floatValue];
CGFloat sizeWidth = [frameDict[@"Width"] floatValue];
CGFloat sizeHeight = [frameDict[@"Height"] floatValue];
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(originX, originY, sizeWidth, sizeHeight);
// Replace Infinity values with CGRectZero
return (isinf(frame.size.width) || isinf(frame.size.height)
|| isinf(frame.origin.x) || isinf(frame.origin.y))
? CGRectZero // or another predefined constant like BROKEN_RECT
: CGRectIntegral(frame);
return CGRectZero; // If frameDict is not a valid dictionary, return CGRectZero
// This method converts CGRect into a dictionary representation for "rect"
+ (NSDictionary *)rectDictionaryFromCGRect:(CGRect)rect {
return @{
@"x": @(rect.origin.x),
@"y": @(rect.origin.y),
@"width": @(rect.size.width),
@"height": @(rect.size.height)
+ (NSString *)label:(NSDictionary<XCUIElementAttributeName, id> *)dict
XCUIElementType elementType = [dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameElementType] intValue];
NSString *label = dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameLabel];
if (elementType == XCUIElementTypeTextField || elementType == XCUIElementTypeSecureTextField) {
return label;
return FBTransferEmptyStringToNil(label);
+ (NSString *)name:(NSDictionary<XCUIElementAttributeName, id> *)dict
NSString *identifier = dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameIdentifier];
if (nil != identifier && identifier.length != 0) {
return identifier;
NSString *label = dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameLabel];
return FBTransferEmptyStringToNil(label);
+ (NSString *)value:(NSDictionary<XCUIElementAttributeName, id> *)dict
id value = dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameValue];
XCUIElementType elementType = [dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameElementType] intValue];
if (elementType == XCUIElementTypeStaticText) {
NSString *label = [self label:dict];
value = FBFirstNonEmptyValue(value, label);
} else if (elementType == XCUIElementTypeButton) {
NSNumber *isSelected = [dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameSelected] boolValue] ? @YES : nil;
value = FBFirstNonEmptyValue(value, isSelected);
} else if (elementType == XCUIElementTypeSwitch) {
value = @([value boolValue]);
} else if (elementType == XCUIElementTypeTextView ||
elementType == XCUIElementTypeTextField ||
elementType == XCUIElementTypeSecureTextField) {
NSString *placeholderValue = dict[XCUIElementAttributeNamePlaceholderValue];
value = FBFirstNonEmptyValue(value, placeholderValue);
value = FBTransferEmptyStringToNil(value);
if (value) {
value = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", value];
return value;
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryForElementAttributes:(NSDictionary<XCUIElementAttributeName, id> *)dict recursive:(BOOL)recursive
NSMutableDictionary *info = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
info[@"type"] = [FBElementTypeTransformer shortStringWithElementType:[dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameElementType] intValue]];
info[@"rawIdentifier"] = FBValueOrNull([dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameIdentifier] isEqual:@""] ? nil : dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameIdentifier]);
info[@"name"] = FBValueOrNull([self name:dict]);
info[@"value"] = FBValueOrNull([self value:dict]);
info[@"label"] = FBValueOrNull([self label:dict]);
// Handle the frame value
CGRect frame = [self handleBrokenFrameFromDict:dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameFrame]];
info[@"frame"] = NSStringFromCGRect(frame);
// Add the rect value
info[@"rect"] = [self rectDictionaryFromCGRect:frame];
info[@"isEnabled"] = [@([dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameEnabled] boolValue]) stringValue];
// visible
// accessible
info[@"isFocused"] = [@([dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameHasFocus] boolValue]) stringValue];
if (!recursive) {
return info.copy;
NSArray<NSDictionary<XCUIElementAttributeName, id> *> *childElements = [dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameChildren] isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] ? dict[XCUIElementAttributeNameChildren] : @[];
if ([childElements count]) {
info[@"children"] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary<XCUIElementAttributeName, id> * childSnapshot in childElements) {
[info[@"children"] addObject:[self dictionaryForElementAttributes:childSnapshot recursive:YES]];
return info;
Following instructions from ChatGPT, I'm trying to rearrange the order of rows in a UITableView.
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView performDropWithCoordinator:(id<UITableViewDropCoordinator>)coordinator {
NSIndexPath *destinationIndexPath = coordinator.destinationIndexPath ?: [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:self.items.count inSection:0];
[tableView performBatchUpdates:^{
for (UITableViewDropItem *dropItem in coordinator.items) {
NSString *movedItem = dropItem.dragItem.localObject;
if (movedItem) {
NSIndexPath *sourceIndexPath = dropItem.sourceIndexPath;
if (sourceIndexPath) {
[self.items removeObjectAtIndex:sourceIndexPath.row];
[self.items insertObject:movedItem atIndex:destinationIndexPath.row];
[tableView moveRowAtIndexPath:sourceIndexPath toIndexPath:destinationIndexPath];
} completion:nil];
Xcode is complaining that UITableViewDropItem does not exist.
The class is in all the documentation, it is just not showing up when needed!
The UITextView.allowedWritingToolsResultOptions has no effect to how "Writing Tools" feature works. When it is set to empty, it still offer all options in the Writing Tools popup dialog. The result is that it is not possible to limit output results to eg. only plain text, or disable tables in output.
let textView = UITextView()
textView.isEditable = true
textView.writingToolsBehavior = .complete
textView.allowedWritingToolsResultOptions = []
resulting Writing Tools has all options available. I Tested with TextKit1 and TextKit 2 setup.
tested on iPadOS 18.1 beta (22B5069a)
Report: FB15429824
I'm seeing a discrepancy in the metrics of the "New York" system font returned from various Macs. Here's a sample (works well in Playgrounds):
import Cocoa
let font = NSFont(descriptor: .preferredFontDescriptor(forTextStyle: .body).withDesign(.serif)!, size: NSFont.systemFontSize)!
print("\(font.fontName) \(font.pointSize)")
print("ascender: \(font.ascender)")
let layoutManager = NSLayoutManager()
print("lineHeight: \(layoutManager.defaultLineHeight(for: font))")
When I run this on multiple Macs, I get two types of different results. Some – most Macs – report this:
.NewYork-Regular 13.0
ascender: 12.3779296875
lineHeight: 16.0
However, when I run on my own Mac (and also on the one of a colleague), I get this instead:
.NewYork-Regular 13.0
ascender: 14.034145955454255
lineHeight: 19.0
It's clearly the same font in the same point size. Yet the font has different metrics, causing a layout manager to also compute a significantly different line height.
So far I've found out that neither CPU generation/architecture nor macOS version seem to play a role. This issue has been reproducible since at least macOS 14. Having just migrated to a new Mac, the issue is still present.
This does not affect any other system or commonly installed font. It's only New York (aka the serif design).
So I assume this must be something with my setup. Yet I have been unable to find anything that may cause this. Anybody have some ideas? Happy to file a bug report but wanted to check here first.
Hey guys,
I'm totally new to Swift programming and I'm setting up a view for registering users. I use a VStack to organize the TextFields as well as a DatePicker, but the last one seems to be very rebellious.
Here's my code:
VStack {
TextField("E-Mailadresse", text: $mail)
.frame(height: 30)
.focused($hasFocus, equals: .mail)
.onKeyPress(.tab, action: {hasFocus = .password; return .handled})
SecureField("Passwort", text: $password)
.frame(height: 30)
.focused($hasFocus, equals: .password)
.onKeyPress(.tab, action: {hasFocus = .name; return .handled})
TextField("Name", text: $name)
.frame(height: 30)
.focused($hasFocus, equals: .name)
.onKeyPress(.tab, action: {hasFocus = .prename; return .handled})
TextField("Vorname", text: $prename)
.frame(height: 30)
.focused($hasFocus, equals: .prename)
.onKeyPress(.tab, action: {hasFocus = .birthday; return .handled})
DatePicker("Geb.:", selection: $birthday, displayedComponents: [.date])
//.focused($hasFocus, equals: .birthday)
Button("Registrieren") {self.register()}
.padding(.top, 20)
.frame(width: 375)
And this is how it looks like:
As you can see, neither is the DatePicker centered correctly (it's more left located) nor is it clipped (reduced). I also tried adding a .frame() to itself, then I was ably to reduce it to the preferred height, but I can' reduce its width and as a result of this, I can also not write a full label like "Date of Birth" or something, because the wheel of the DatePicker always overlays it...
Is that a kind of misbehavior or am I missing something?
Thank you very much in anticipation for your feedback!
Kind regards
I'm new here. I have an app that I want to refresh a few variables at midnight. What ways can i go about doing this?
I have an AppDelegate started, but I'm not sure how to make it work, yet.
Is there an easy way to make it update?
I want to support Genmoji input in my SwiftUI TextField or TextEditor, but looking around, it seems there's no SwiftUI only way to do it?
If none, it's kind of disappointing that they're saying SwiftUI is the path forward, but not updating it with support for new technologies.
Going back, does this mean we can only support Genmoji through UITextField and UIViewRepresentable? or there more direct options?
Btw, I'm also using SwiftData for storage.
Developing on Monterey 12.7.5
I'm having trouble with updating subitems on NSToolbarItemGroup when selecting the item directly from the NSToolbar items array.
I select the group item off the items array on the toolbar, and then call setSubitems: on the item, with a new array of NSToolbarItems. The group item disappears from the toolbar. It seems to leave a blank invisible item in the toolbar taking up space. I can't manually reinsert the item into the toolbar until I drag out the blank item, then drag back in the real item. Once dragged back in from the palette it displays correctly.
The workaround I've come up with is to remove the item with NSToolbar removeItemAtIndex: and reinsert it with NSToollbar insertItemWithItemIdentifier:atIndex:. This works to update the subitems.
Every other toolbar item property that I've tried has been able to update the item directly in the toolbar. It's only the group item's subitems that don't want to update correctly.
Is there a correct way to do this that I'm missing? Calling [toolbar validateVisibleItems] didn't seem to help.
Let's say I have a model like this:
final class DataModel {
var firstProperty: String = ""
Later on I create a new property as such:
final class DataModel {
enum DataEnum {
case dataCase
var firstProperty: String = ""
var secondProperty: DataEnum? = .dataCase
My expectation is for the data that is already stored, the secondProperty would be added with a default value of .dataCase. However, it's being set to nil instead. I could have sworn it would set to the default value given to it. Has that changed, or has it always been this way? Does this require a migration plan?
I am using SwiftUI ShareLink to share an image with Instagram app, but when I select "Story" option in share interface, an error happens, "Error: Something went wrong".
Has anyone had this problem? Is there a solution?
I have a swiftui view with Button(intent: ) and using UIHostingViewcontroller to use it in UIKit. The problem is that button not works in uikit but normal button(without intent works)