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code object is not signed at all In subcomponent ...
I'm a newbie in Mac development and Xcode. Trying to revive an old cross-platform open source project of mine and to continue its development on Xcode. A new project setup was created using CMake. Managed to compile the project with the required dependencies outside Xcode. If I try to build the project in Xcode, the only error is: Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code Details: ... zzzz.app code object is not signed at all in subcomponent ... Found a similar question in this forum: https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/701261 Tried to follow the recommendations there, but without success. The subcomponent in question is simply text files (xpm) which are used by the application during runtime, and are supposed to be copied in the app/Contents directory Will appreciate any help Further details on the setup: (Signing and Capabilities): Signing is automatic; Team: "None"; Bundle identifier: empty Signing certificate: "Sign to run Locally" (Build phases): Tried to check "Code Sign on Co..." - no difference If I check "Copy only when installing" - it builds fine, yet it is not copying my resource files in my zzzz.app/Contents directory Xcode Version 15.3 (15E204a) The project is in GitHub
How to animate NavigationSplitView's detailView column.
Having a traditional 'NavigationSplitView' setup, I am looking for a way to animate it the same as the sidebarView, where there is a button to toggle and it animates by sliding out from the right side of the view, however the closest I have gotten was manipulating the 'navigationSplitViewColumnWidth' but that always results in the view instantly appearing / disappearing. I am using SwiftUI for a MacOS specific app. Here is just a general idea of what I am currently doing, it is by no means a reflection of my real code but serves the purpose of this example. struct ContentView: View { @State private var columnWidth: CGFloat = 300 var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { List { NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: "Item 1")) { Text("Item 1") } NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: "Item 2")) { Text("Item 2") } NavigationLink(destination: DetailView(item: "Item 3")) { Text("Item 3") } } .navigationTitle("Items") } detail: { VStack { DetailView(item: "Select an item") Button(action: toggleColumnWidth) { Text(columnWidth == 300 ? "Collapse" : "Expand") } .padding() } } .navigationSplitViewColumnWidth(columnWidth) } private func toggleColumnWidth() { withAnimation { columnWidth = columnWidth == 300 ? 0 : 300 } } } struct DetailView: View { var item: String var body: some View { Text("Detail view for \(item)") .navigationTitle(item) .padding() } } @main struct MyApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() } } }