I just clicked submit on my application to the swift student challenge and it brought me back to the screen where I login in with my developer account. After I logged in again all of the information from my application was gone. Does this mean my application went through or was I supposed to get some type of confirmation email?
Swift Student Challenge
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Hi there!
I have been working on a small project to submit to the Swift Student challenge this year, but I noticed when going to submit that there is a checkbox in the submission process that asks:
I certify that I am not working full time as a developer and not employed by Apple in any capacity at the time of application.
Completing three coop terms (internships) is a required part of my program, which are all full-time work- and I am currently in a co-op term.
These are considered "classes" according to my university, but I'm worried that it would be considered as normal developer work in the eyes of Apple.
Am I safe to submit, or will I have to sit this year out?
Should I leave comments I made in my code or delete them before I submit?
Hi Developers,
I got a question about Reality Composer Project. How do I compress a Reality Composer Project as mine is showing up to 125MB. The file size limit is 25 MB for the Swift Student Challenge
Thanks :)
Hi! I just read the updated terms and conditions, and I have a question regarding the submission requirements:
Your app playground must be fully functioning, and be built with and run on Swift Playgrounds 4.4 on iPadOS 16 or macOS 13.5 or Xcode 15 on macOS 13.5 or later. You may incorporate the use of Apple Pencil.
This means that the app can be built on iPadOS 17 / macOS 14 as well (and perhaps add some features specific to iPadOS 17 / macOS 14 or later using features such as SwiftData?) but does the app need to be fully compatible with earlier versions as well?
I think this means it should be compatible with all versions from iPadOS 16 / macOS 13.5 onwards?
Hello! For my Swift Student Challenge 2024 Project I'm using some Illustrations from OpenDoodles (opendoodles.com). Open doodles is free for commercial and personal use and the creator has no copyright claimed. My question is whether I have to clarify the use of these Illustration when submitting the project.
My app looks the best when it's run on an iPhone simulator, since that is what I was targeting from the start. I’m aware that an Xcode app playground submission will be run on MacOS in the Simulator only, but is there a way for me to limit/ask the Simulator to only use the iPhone?
I'm seeing a few posts on this forum giving the impression that submissions will primarily be run on either the iPad, or Swift Playgrounds on Mac.
Furthermore, my app depends a lot on some of the new iOS 17 features (SwiftData, @Observable macros, etc.)
I followed this thread to modify my Package.swift file to target iOS 17 and above only. Is this still a good idea, or should I instead wrap the whole app in a if #available version check?
Hey everyone, I'm making a Playground targeting specifically iPadOS. I've read the Terms and Conditions and it says it will be run on iPad OS 16 and newer. Does anyone know if this means 16.6 or truly 16.0? I have a view modifier which is only supported in 16.4 in later.
I'm looking through all the latest posts to clarify a doubt I have, I noticed @eskimo's response claiming that the app must be built and run on iPadOS 16 or later. So I suppose it's okay to create an app that has SwiftData as the framework even if that dictates that the app will run on iOS 17; Also because when you create a new project in Swift Playgrounds 4.4.1 (latest version available at the moment) the target is set to iOS 17.2 automatically and technically you can't edit Package.swift file manually.
Thanks in advance ❤️
Hello there,
Are we allowed to use iOS 17 features if they’re wrapped in an ‘if #available(iOS 17, *)’ check? I.e. the app would still function fine on iOS 16, but perhaps have an optional feature that works slightly better on iOS 17”
Hey, everyone!
I've been testing my .swiftpm app on an iPhone. If you're wondering about how I made the connections, I used a cable plugged into my Mac so that Xcode could communicate with the phone. Do you think that evaluators of the app will be alright with this method of testing it out as well?
I'm particularly leaning towards the iPhone platform because my app requires a pedometer.
With Swift Student Challenge submissions on Saturday, does anybody mind letting me know how to implement CoreML (I have a model trained in CreateML already) in the SwiftPM format?
Hi, I am a Japanese student entering the swift student challenge this year.
Will Apple be able to recognize my ID card, which is in JAPANESE, as a proof of my enrollment?
The submission page states that
To verify your student status, provide a PDF, PNG, or JPEG of your class schedule, other proof of enrollment, or proof of graduation within the past 6 months.
Make sure the documentation clearly shows:
Your name,
The organization or school name, and
The dates showing that it’s valid.
In my ID. card, my name is written in Japanese , but other texts have subtitles in English, such as "Date of Birth" written under the Japanese. It also does not say the name of the school in English, only Japanese.
I'm creating a playground for SSC, and I'm using a lot of the new frameworks and capablities introduced in WWDC 2023, including @Observation, SwiftData, phaseAnimator...etc.
Checking the forums just now, I see some people claiming the app should run on iOS 16 as well, so I revert the deployment destination from iOS 17 to iOS 16 in Package.swift, and now I have 150+ errors in my app playground. I know I can use #if available to write alternative code for earlier iOS versions but it feels like a redundancy since the app will be judged by Apple engineers who most likely have iOS 17 running on their devices, and since the judging process, I assume, takes into account the number of new technologies utilised.
Should I write '#if available else' statements for the entire app playground, keep the deployment destination as iOS 17, or change the technologies used to iOS 16 or earlier (@observed object, CoreData...etc)? Which option is safer given that I only have less than 5 days left?
Hello dear developers, I am planning to make a navigation application for the swift student challenge, this navigation application will work with the internet via apple maps, is it suitable for this swift student challenge competition?
Hi everyone! I'm working on an app to submit to the Swift Student Challenge this year and wanted to get some feedback on my plan to use MapKit.
I know Apple is pretty open to using any of their frameworks for the contest. But I wanted to see if anyone had insights on whether my use of MapKit would comply with the contest rules and eligibility criteria.
Any thoughts or advice you have on properly leveraging MapKit for my submission would be much appreciated! I want to make sure I avoid any issues since this framework is so integral to my app idea. Let me know if you have built a map-based app for Swift Student Challenge before as well. Thanks!
Hi Developers,
How do I pass a Reality Kit file to use the Reality Kit file for the AR experience:
import SwiftUI
import RealityKit
struct HelpAR : View {
var body: some View {
struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
// Create a cube model
let mesh = MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.1, cornerRadius: 0.005)
let material = SimpleMaterial(color: .gray, roughness: 0.15, isMetallic: true)
let model = ModelEntity(mesh: mesh, materials: [material])
model.transform.translation.y = 0.05
// Create horizontal plane anchor for the content
let anchor = AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .any, minimumBounds: SIMD2<Float>(0.2, 0.2)))
// Add the horizontal plane anchor to the scene
return arView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}
#Preview {
Hi? I want to participate Swift Student Challenge. And I am wondering is it okay to make an app which can access album?
I read Terms and Conditions and found no relevant content. Can anyone tell me whether it is possible? Thank you.
On the Swift Student Challenge submission page the dropdown for “Which software should we use to run your app?” lists “Xcode 15 on macOS 13.5 or later” as one of the options.
Is it ok to submit an Xcode Playground that targets iPadOS (and not macOS)? And then this would just be tested in the iPad Simulator?
Hi, I want to add a SwiftData model to my Swift Playground in Xcode 15.2, but I get errors related to iOS version, has anyone encountered this? Thanks
import Foundation
import SwiftData
struct testStruct: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var question: String
var answer: String
class testClass: Identifiable {
let id = UUID()
var question1: testStruct
var question2: testStruct
var question3: testStruct
var question4: testStruct
var question5: testStruct
init(question1: testStruct, question2: testStruct, question3: testStruct, question4: testStruct, question5: testStruct) {
self.question1 = question1
self.question2 = question2
self.question3 = question3
self.question4 = question4
self.question5 = question5