Submission Requirements for Xcode Playground - can it target iPad only?


On the Swift Student Challenge submission page the dropdown for “Which software should we use to run your app?” lists “Xcode 15 on macOS 13.5 or later” as one of the options.

Is it ok to submit an Xcode Playground that targets iPadOS (and not macOS)? And then this would just be tested in the iPad Simulator?


Select one of the options depending on which device your app is designed to target.

I think I've seen a clause saying that the test will be run in the iPad Playground environment.

Yes. It is an 'or' requirement.

App will be tested either on Mac or iPad:

The application process, step by step: … Answer the questions about how the judges should run the Playground (either macOS or iPadOS)

Submission Requirements for Xcode Playground - can it target iPad only?