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Learn about the technical aspects of notification delivery on device, including notification types, priorities, and notification center management.

Notifications Documentation






Reasons for the prompt "application is damaged and cannot be opened. You should move it to trash"
We have an application which keeps throwing the error "application is damaged and cannot be opened. You should move it to Trash" We have checked the following possible root causes: Codesign of the application using the codesign command Notarization of the application using the spctl command Executable permissions Checked for the presence of "" flag for the application using xattr -l <path to executables" None of the above listed items seemed to be a problem and are as expected. Can you please help us understand what could cause this issue and how to resolve this without recommending an uninstall/reinstall of the application?
Dec ’24
Push Notifications after update to 18+ iOS
Dear Apple Engineer, We have problem in the banking application after update iOS to 18, 18.1 or 18.1.1. No notifications appear on the locked screen, even in the notification center. On lower version push notifications apparently correctly. What have we checked so far is: certificates profiles app with push notifications extension and without it usage of setBadgeCount(_:withCompletionHandler:) instead of applicationIconBadgeNumber Our sample payload with encrypted data: { "aps":{ "alert":"Message from Bank", "badge":0, "sound":"default", "mutable-content":1, "category":"" }, "Type":"", "MessageId":"", "Id":"8ebf0c13-83cf-4029-ac13-91d026c3770a", "Media-url":"", "alternativeTitle":"New message", "priority":5, "EncryptedData":"eyJ0eXAiOiJibTplbmMtdjEiLCJhbGciOiJibTppb3MtZWNkaCIsImVuYyI6ImJtOkExMjhHQ00tSVYxNiIsImVuY19raWQiOiI5OUIyN0E4NC1CQzRFLTRGMzQtQjBGNC0yMTcyMEYxQTFEN0EifQ...BDdxycY-ZWPC7BgI_07efVSgjKyGyGVKlcNtZSslWJePrwJkJyIxFBr07XtayB0I2jv6Vc8AdUpdvMJ-daVzkPYMZ7pQA_X0Pg8RPRS2GnPkhyhK3XNkLRMsjG6CkSafYaqSeLMEpdF2Q-QkajvO3ojnRl1C-Bp9FpNbeaCwJXwqjEMKKhggRsKH8zdk7XcYhZX5_hARbBkIFLrCX1Xzyypp_PfZ23v9Pbd8aHmAf7FQdYN6xbfyoL5XEaDrCjGi-up2n1nlcTeEfkXHBunitUzQulmrjo86GJS0ldhF0mEMZ3_t6ObbjeKijYExMeYHxeCe89Yg10TvZI6kP4xizpJijG9cz75X3VI3I4SgeR8BuZRcb5eTQKWWzGW7u6LD1QtV3PWFCtv942CSz62kPPo-dD0248Fqm5HwxZejQSrZKjYQQ87dkzB0q7p2Q_M0z2Y-bRfNRXJl8VaF5X6-2KwLq47zwrQYUIcEHdag3J05X0SzBiImAdbh2zQz074QqEEpoU1F6C89LHKFxAw", "IsSigned":false } What do you need to analyze the problem? Identifiers, sample application? Best regards, Michał iOS Developer.
Dec ’24
iOS 18.2 Heavy Delays in Notifications with AI enabled
I am experiencing heavy delays with any push notification if I have AI enabled. Authenticator takes minutes to show up, the app for the doorbell that, needless to say, requires a real-time notification, fails to deliver push notifications in time. I have had to turn off AI in order to have a functioning phone... (I'm on a 16 Pro) Any resolution on this? Thanks
Dec ’24
Push Notification Gets Removed From Notification Screen When Setting "badge" to 0
Push message on the lock-screen disappears in one specific instance. In general the situation is as follows: the application, upon starting up, sets the badge counter (i.e. notificationCenter.setBadgeCount(3)) the application is being sent to background the screen is locked (it doesn't matter if it's turned on or not) send a push message to the application and set the badge (in aps) to "0" What happens: the screen lights up (unless it's lit up already), the push is being displayed for a very short time and gets hidden. Happens on iOS 18.1, 18.1.1, 18.2. If not setting badge in the aps keys it works correctly. I've created a feedback report I am able to reproduce the issue on a sample app 100% of the time :/
Dec ’24
delphixe apns Remote Push error:Connection Closed Gracefully
function TFormMain.HttpPost(IdHTTP1: TIdHTTP; sJsonData, sUrl: string): string; var jsonToSend: TStringStream; begin try IdHTTP1.HTTPOptions := IdHTTP1.HTTPOptions + [hoKeepOrigProtocol]; //必须有这行才使设置协议版本生效 IdHTTP1.ProtocolVersion := pv1_1; IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values[':method']:='POST'; IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values[':path']:='/3/device/' + EditDeviceToken.Text; IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values[':scheme']:='https'; IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['apns-push-type']:='background'; IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['host']:=''; IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['apns-topic']:='com.xxvar.erp'; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.CertFile:='d:\WIN\APNS-cert.pem'; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.SSLOptions.KeyFile:='d:\WIN\APNS-key.pem'; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.ssloptions.method:= sslVSSLv23; IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1.ssloptions.Mode:= sslmBoth; with IdHTTP1 do begin IOHandler := IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1; HandleRedirects := True; //允许头转向 ReadTimeout := 5*60*1000; //请求超时设置 Request.ContentType := 'application/json'; //x-www-form-urlencoded Request.ContentEncoding := 'utf-8'; try jsonToSend := TStringStream.Create(UTF8Encode(sJsonData)); jsonToSend.Position := 0; //将流位置置为0 Memo1.Lines.Add('发送指令执行结果到集抄平台: ' + sJsonData); Result:= Post(sUrl, jsonToSend); Memo1.Lines.Add(Result);//Result := HTTPDecode(Post(sUrl, jsonToSend)); //接收POST后的数据返回 except on e: Exception do begin Memo1.Lines.Add('接口调用异常: ' + e.Message);; end; end; end; finally end; end;
Dec ’24
Apple 推送通知服务如何更新证书
“Apple 推送通知服务的服务器证书更新 2024 年 10 月 17 日 Apple 推送通知服务 (APNs) 的证书颁发机构 (CA) 即将改变。APNs 将于 2025 年 1 月 20 日更新沙盒环境的服务器证书,并于 2025 年 2 月 24 日更新生产环境的服务器证书。” 关于这个邮件,请问我应该怎么做,才能把下载的crt证书加到trust store上
Dec ’24
Batch push issues for commercial apps
The backend service uses the same copy to push to many users in batches. This year, the following problem began to occur. Using http2 send is normal, but when getting the result through the stream id, it always times out. Restarting the service still times out. I hope Apple development engineers can help me find out what the problem is.
Dec ’24
Do I need to update the certificate of the APNs?
Currently, our provider server uses token-based authentication with APNs. In addition, to establish a connection with APNs, we have installed the "AAACertificateServices 5/12/2020" certificate from the "Sectigo KnowledgeBase website" on the provider server. Question 1 Do I need to update the server certificate of the Apple Push Notification Service at the following URL for the above provider server? URL Question 2 If registration is required, how long will it be valid for? Root certificate Token-based authentication
Nov ’24
APNs certificate authority?
I manage apps and servers on behalf of several customers. Recently they all started getting a message from Apple that says, "The Certification Authority for APNs is changing". I don't understand how or if this affects me. My servers are all hosted on Amazon EC2 instances. I have never had to install any specific certificate for APNs to work. Is this new CA something that I can expect my servers to receive automatically as part of their system updates? If not, how do I install it?
Dec ’24
What are the exact conditions for '429 TooManyProviderTokenUpdates' in APNs when managing multiple TEAM_ID and KEY_ID?
Hi, We are building a system that integrates with APNs using the Token-Based Authentication method. While testing, we encountered the 429 TooManyProviderTokenUpdates error and would like clarification on the exact conditions that trigger this response. Our Testing Scenario: Private Key: We keep the same Private Key constant across requests. TEAM_ID and KEY_ID: For testing purposes, we change the TEAM_ID and KEY_ID for every JWT we generate. Requests: Each generated JWT is used to call the /3/device/{token} API endpoint. Observed Behavior: When we test with different TEAM_ID and KEY_ID combinations, we initially receive 403 InvalidProviderToken, which is expected because the TEAM_ID and KEY_ID combinations are invalid. However, if we change the TEAM_ID and KEY_ID and make multiple calls (e.g., more than two within 20 minutes), we start receiving 429 TooManyProviderTokenUpdates. If we switch to a different IP address (via VPN) after receiving the 429 error, we revert to receiving 403 InvalidProviderToken. Our Use Case: We are building a system where multiple server clusters handle multiple apps (some under the same Apple Developer account, others under different accounts). Each server generates JWTs for requests to the APNs /3/device/{token} API. Our Questions: What specific conditions cause the 429 TooManyProviderTokenUpdates error? Does APNs monitor token updates at the level of TEAM_ID and KEY_ID, or does it consider additional factors such as the originating IP address or shared infrastructure? How does APNs handle frequent changes in TEAM_ID and KEY_ID within a single server or cluster? Is there any documentation or guidance on managing JWTs effectively in a distributed system with multiple apps and servers? Does APNs limit JWT updates based on IP address or API endpoint usage across multiple apps sharing the same Apple Developer account? We would greatly appreciate any clarification on these points and guidance on best practices for managing JWTs in a multi-cluster environment. Thank you!
Dec ’24
Should I prepare to Apple renewal of APNs USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate?
On apple dev site in the news section here you can find two announcements about their renewal of: USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate. Context: now, I have an app delivered via in-house distribution due to Apple developer Enterprise program. My app uses push notifications, but we are using auth tokens. Should I do something on the app? Should I advice backend colleague to check or do something server-side? below you can find the two announcements: sanbox link APNs Certificate Update Begins January 20, 2025 The Apple Push Notification service (APNs) will be updated with a new server certificate in sandbox on January 20, 2025. Update your application’s Trust Store to include the new server certificate: SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate. and production link APNs Certificate Update Begins February 24, 2025 The Apple Push Notification service (APNs) will be updated with a new server certificate in production on February 24, 2025. Update your application’s Trust Store to include the new server certificate: SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate.
Nov ’24
Notification Service Extension for macOS
Are “Notification Service Extensions” officially supported on macOS? I’m developing an app for both iOS and macOS (not Catalyst). I’ve successfully setup a separate notification service extension for both the iOS and macOS targets. The iOS extension is modifying the CKSubscription push notification as expected. However the macOS notification service extension is not being launched at all no matter what I seem to try, matching deployment targets etc. I’m also asking because although Apple docs report that support for UNNotificationServiceExtension was added in macOS 10.14, the article at makes no mention of macOS, only iOS.
Aug ’22
Regression: Heavy Delay of Push Notifications on iOS 18.1 beta (10s and more)
My app one sec uses push notifications to guide the user back to the app from a Screen Time Shield (screenshot attached). On iOS 18.1, notifications are delivered with a delay of 10+ seconds, even though they are classified as time sensitive: notificationContent.interruptionLevel = .timeSensitive notificationContent.relevanceScore = 1.0 The notification trigger is nil, which according to the documentation should show the notification banner immediately: var notificationTrigger: UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger? = nil "The condition that causes the system to deliver the notification. Specify nil to deliver the notification right away." In the sysdiagnose I have noticed that activity related to Apple Intelligence Priority classification delays the notification by 10 seconds ("UserNotificationsCore.IntelligenceActor"): [create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.373 sec]: Timeout of 10.0 reached. Cancelling work. [create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.377 sec]: Calling out to completion with failure(UserNotificationsCore.StepFailure.timedOut(exceeded: 10.0 seconds, summaryStatus: Optional(UserNotificationsServices.NotificationSummaryStatus.inferenceTimedOut), priorityStatus: Optional(UserNotificationsServices.NotificationPriorityStatus.inferenceTimedOut))) from 'scheduleTimeoutToPerform(after:for:)' [create, [id=43C0-B333, time=2024-09-27 06:03:26, bundle=***], Time elapsed=10.378 sec]: Step: UserNotificationsCore.IntelligenceActor, index: 0 exceeded 10.0 seconds This seems like a bug to me, time sensitive notifications should be exempted from being analyzed for priority, especially if that comes at the cost of delaying notifications by 10 seconds. Tracked in Radar: FB15255061
Sep ’24
Does Firebase Push Notification Service Need New Certificates Due to APNs Update
Hi, With the upcoming changes to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) server certificates — including the SHA-2 Root: USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate update — I wanted to clarify if we need to take any action with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Since we’re using FCM to send push notifications to iOS devices, does Firebase also need to update its server certificates in response to these changes, or will Firebase handle the updates automatically? We understand that Apple recommends updating our Trust Store to include the new certificates for APNs, but we’re unsure if any action is needed on our end for FCM specifically. Thanks in advance for the clarification!
Dec ’24
Push Notification towards APP that don't belongs to my developer account
Hi All, i read the documentation regarding APN and related API, but i didn't understand if, from my server, i can send push notification to every application or only to applications that belongs my developer account. I try to better explain my needs: the enviroment regards voip communications, my sip server is asterisk based and i want to wrote a script to wakeup device just before send a call to it. On mobile device, i use a generic app taken from the apple store. At the moment i am using linphone. When linphone starts, it registrer with APNs and send to the asterisk server pn-* data. In the pn-params it sends the teamid (ABCD1234) and bundleid ( In my script, i have taken the teamid/bundleid retrieved from the linhpone app, i have generated a Key from my developer account and used it to authenticate to APN, but i got always InvalidProviderToken. So my question is: is it possibile to send notification to application that i didn't own? or the InvliadProviderToken has nothing related to this and simply i am doing something wrong with key authentication?
Dec ’24
Apple Push Notification service server certificate update
Regarding the latest news from apple below. I am not able to understand what exactly needs to be done. I can download RSA certificate from the link given but to include it in Trust store is something i am not able to get. can someone help me out here? " The Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is changing. APNs will update the server certificates in sandbox on January 20, 2025, and in production on February 24, 2025. All developers using APNs will need to update their application’s Trust Store to include the new server certificate: SHA-2 Root : USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate. To ensure a smooth transition and avoid push notification delivery failures, please make sure that both old and new server certificates are included in the Trust Store before the cut-off date for each of your application servers that connect to sandbox and production. At this time, you don’t need to update the APNs SSL provider certificates issued to you by Apple."
Oct ’24
Xcode16.1&iOS18.1.1 Debugging App, unable to respond “didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken” delegation
I am an iOS development engineer. Recently, I updated the Xcode version to 16.1 (16B40) and updated my debugging device (iPhone 15) to iOS 18.1.1. However, I found that I could not respond to the delegate method. I confirmed that my code, certificate, Xcode settings, and network environment had not changed. Simply executing application.registerForRemoteNotifications() in func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool did not receive a response(didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken or didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError ). In the same environment, when I switched to another device for debugging (iOS 17.0.3), the delegate method would respond. I really don't know what to do, I hope someone can help me, I would be very grateful. Please note: Everything is normal when using devices before iOS 18.1.1 version
Dec ’24