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Delve into the physical components of Apple devices, including processors, memory, storage, and their interaction with the software.






Citrix crash unsure why and how to fix
All of a sudden can't use Citrix - here is what I get System Integrity Protection: enabled Notes: PC register does not match crashing frame (0x0 vs 0x1061A33B8) Crashed Thread: 0 1 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Application Specific Information: abort() called
Mar ’24
1110 error insufficient memory
please i have an iPhone 11 , frozen on iPhone logo with error 1110 insufficient memory , I sent it to drive savers , please developer team we need your help to work in this issue to solve this problem. i lost 3 years of data . please help us . i am not the only person there are many people have same issue . Please help
Mar ’24
Apple watch development
Today, apple watches are one of the most notable products of the apple company. These smart watches can measure heart rhythm and similar values. In my opinion, there is no obstacle to more advanced software and hardware. I think that information and location can be transferred to the necessary health institutions depending on whether the vital values ​​​​measured by the software of the watches are within certain ranges or not. The person's vital values ​​are measured and if there is an absurd situation, a message in the form of tremors is sent to the person. If there is no response from the user, it can be transferred to the database of the relevant health institution as status and location information.
Mar ’24
Bluetooth Connectivity Issues
Since 17.4 Dev Beta 2, I have been having Bluetooth issues. I had hoped it would have cleared up but even in 17.4.1 it continues. Airpod and Echo Auto are the only 2 audio devices I have. The audio will become chopping, rubber band or sound robotic and sometime completely disconnect. While driving it will occur on both audio devices. Sometimes I'm stopped at red light and the issue occurs. The phone is less than 3 feet from the device at all times. I have read forums and removed and readded the devices but that did not help. I really do not want to have to reset my phone since my 2FA apps do not recover in a restore. Anyone have any suggestions?
Mar ’24
Could not mount “sdhc”. (com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49244.)
macOS 14.2.1, MacBook Air 13″ M1 Hi, I have this issue with my Sandisk Sdhc 64g card - ExFAT - I can't mount it to my macbook M1. It's doesn's pop up. When I try to do this in disk utility - disable but it's visable - i have error: ' (com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49244.)'. When I try to do the first aid: 'File system verify or repair failed. : (-69845)'. When i try to erese: 'MediaKit reports bad partition or no map found. : (-5324)'. I have NO problem using this card with my camera or windows computer. In my windows it's not even showing any error - everything look healthy, without issuse, co I can't fix it with windows because there is all good. I erase this card using my windows computer (with no problem) - twice (using fast and slow option). No issue. But it doesn't helped. I tried using 'sudo pkill -f fsck' command in terminal - no effect. With my other sdhc card 32g I don't have any issue with this macbook, so the problem is with The 64 sdhc card and The M1 macbook air connection. What can I do?
Mar ’24
Why is my iPad not accepting screenshot images from my Mac?
I frequently use the Universal Control feature from my Mac, the 27in, to my iPad Pro 5th gen, and recently, when I take a screenshot from my Mac and drag and drop to my tablet, the image won't appear. To be clear, I see the mouse going from the Mac to the iPad, and I see the image floating on the iPad, but when I release the image, it does not appear on the screen. I have the latest update, the Sonoma 14.4. I've searched everywhere and I honestly don't know what to do. I am not good with tech, but I don't know what else to do. In addition, I don't know if this is relevant, but my Mac does not find my iPad on Bluetooth and I have tried everything as well. I restarted it, and everything and nothing.
Mar ’24
Integration of OCR Technology in the files App
Dear Mr. Cook, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Bonginkosi Ntokozo Gift Gumede, and I am reaching out to you from KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, where I work as a qualified pharmacist in a rural setting. My admiration for Apple's dedication to innovation, especially in making technology accessible and useful for everyone, compels me to share an idea that has the potential to significantly enhance productivity for professionals across various industries. Apple has already revolutionized how we interact with information through the OCR technology integrated into the Photos app on iPhones and iPads. This brilliant feature has set a new standard for convenience and efficiency. Building on this success, I propose an extension of the OCR capabilities into the Files app, coupled with an innovative function: the ability to extract specific data (such as invoice numbers, dates, amounts, etc.) from scanned documents directly into a Numbers or Excel spreadsheet. Imagine a businessman with a PDF containing 174 invoices. Currently, extracting invoice numbers and other relevant data for analysis is a daunting task, often requiring additional, sometimes inaccessible, hardware and software solutions. This is a significant challenge in areas like mine, where procuring such equipment is difficult. By integrating this enhanced OCR functionality into the Files app, Apple can empower users to effortlessly organize, analyse, and manage their data, transforming the way we interact with digital documents. I am motivated by the desire to see technology solve real, tangible problems, and I believe this feature could be a game-changer for many. While I do not seek any form of payment for this idea, I would be honoured to be recognized as the inventor of this concept in its implementation in Apple products. This would not only be a personal achievement but also a testament to how Apple truly listens to its users from all corners of the globe, making a difference in their daily lives. Thank you for considering this proposal. I am confident that this feature could further solidify Apple's reputation as a leader in innovation and user-centric technology. I am looking forward to the possibility of this idea becoming a reality, making a significant impact on users worldwide. Warm regards, Bonginkosi Ntokozo Gift Gumede Qualified Pharmacist B. Pharm (Rhodes University) KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Mar ’24
EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowser configureAccessory not showing UI modal up
Hello everyone, I'm trying to configure my WAC device trough an App. This App finds the device without problems using startSearchingForUnconfiguredAccessoriesMatchingPredicate but when I try to use configureAccessory method I get only 3 messages in Xcode and nothing happens. These messages are: 2024-03-14 12:55:56.261969+0000 App[1394:380785] ### WAC: -[EAWiFiUnconfiguredAccessoryBrowserManager configureAccessory:withConfigurationUIOnViewController:]_block_invoke_3:368 Other Region SKU 2024-03-14 12:55:56.266191+0000 App[1394:374248] ### WAC: _notificationCleanup:42 responseFlags: 3 ### WAC: _notificationCleanup:43 responseFlags: 3 For me they don't look like an Error but would be nice if someone could give me some advice on this, I didn't find nothing about it. Thanks in advance!
Mar ’24
iOS 17 - battery drain
Since the latest update of iOS (17.4) I can tell that I can see battery drain on my iPhone 15 Pro! Especially at nights! I use Wi-Fi calling so when I get ready to sleep I turn airplane mode on and leave it on all night. The next morning I get up and my iPhone has already lost at least 10% battery (!!!) Today it had a loss of 25% (!!!). It went from 66% to 51% in 8 hours! In the battery usage there are social media apps mostly with the most of consumption. I also kill all the apps from the background every single night before I go to sleep. So what "eats" my battery so much at night? Any thoughts or tips please?
Mar ’24
iPad Split View causing crash due to incorrect parent view controller in multitasking mode
I'm encountering a crash in my iPad application when using Split View or Slide Over multitasking mode. The crash is occurring with the error message: Crashing on exception: child view controller:<UIPageViewController: 0x155f84200> should have parent view controller:<MyApp.HomeViewController: 0x29e040800> but actual parent is:<MyAoo.HomeViewController: 0x12d2c5e00> The issue seems to be related to incorrect parent view controller assignments when retrieving the top view controller using the window. I've tried to address this by saving the persistent identifier in UserDefaults and comparing it when retrieving the key window, but the problem persists. Here's a snippet of the code I'm using to retrieve the key window: `static func getKeyWindow(for role: UISceneSession.Role = .windowApplication) -> UIWindow? { for scene in shared.connectedScenes { guard scene.session.role == role else { continue } if let savedIdentifier = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "\(scene.session.persistentIdentifier)") { debugPrint("#### saved identifier is \(savedIdentifier)") if scene.session.persistentIdentifier == savedIdentifier { return (scene as? UIWindowScene)?.windows.first { $0.isKeyWindow } } else { debugPrint("#### didn't match identifier") } } else { return (scene as? UIWindowScene)?.windows.first { $0.isKeyWindow } } } return nil }` It seems like the issue arises when the app is opened in a split view, as the persistent identifier changes but the app fails to differentiate between the different instances. Consequently, it takes the wrong Split View window and returns the wrong HomeViewController instance, leading to the crash. How can I properly handle the retrieval of the top view controller to avoid this crash in multitasking mode on iPad? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Mar ’24
Assisstive technology for Hemianopia
Hi, I wanted to ask if Apple have or are planning on developing assistive technology for people with Hemianopia (No left or right field of vision that affects both eyes)? I suffered a stroke back in 2019 which left me with this condition. It means it has caused me to lose my driving license and ultimately my independence. with Apple being at the forefront of developing exciting new technology, i.e. Apple watch for health monitoring. I believe technology to help the tens of thousands of people each year who suffer from a stroke and left with Hemianopia would be greatly welcomed, allowing people to get back the lives they had before they lost their independence. I am speaking for myself, but ultimately I'm speaking for all the people around the world who are suffering from this debilitating condition which has no cure as of yet. Apple are big on health and this would be the ultimate device for so many. I truly hope you can help? kind regards, James McMaster
Mar ’24
Missing library libSystem.B.dylib
Hello, I am developing a tool in python or nodejs to intercept flows between two applications (MITM). I want to use the FRIDA library, but when I use it I get the following error: Error: module not found at "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib". Indeed, the library is not present in the folder. I tried to get help directly from FRIDA but I couldn't find any help and on the current forum I did see some posts talking about this problem but I couldn't solve it. Do you have an idea of how to solve this problem. Thank you. Ps: I'm new to the APPLE ecosystem (Mac mini - Apple M1)
Mar ’24