In app purchase “Cannot connect to iTunes Store” error for Sandbox user

We're using sandbox for testing auto renewing IAP but most of the time it's returning error saying 'Cannot connect to iTunes store'.

We've followed steps mentioned in following document :

The System Status for iTunes Sandbox is showing Green (good) right now, but it still doesn't work for me.

Can you help me please?

Same problem here. We have been pulling out our hair trying to test our subscriptions. This has to be one of the worst developer experiences I have had in my 20 year career. Dealing with Apple subscriptions and sandbox accounts has been a nightmare. It is stopping us from getting our clients application submitted to the store and frustrating all parties involved. It seems to work sporadically and is very unreliable.

This is happening for us now too. Everything was working fine earlier today (like... 2 hours ago) but now we're stuck waiting until this is fixed... Any ideas? Do I have to make another sandbox user (which in and of itself is a bit of a chore)?

One of my users is now getting this message for a recently renewed auto-renewable subscription:

PurchaseOperation: [A3AD40F5] Purchase finished with error: Error Domain=SSErrorDomain Code=16 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Cannot connect to iTunes Store}

Something appears to have broken with auto-renewable subscriptions. The user is able to verify their subscription. It shows an accurate renewal date. However, the actual renewal is not confirmed and the user cannot progress past the purchase screen. This behavior does not appear in the sandbox... only in production.


We are trying to validate in-app subscriptions today (2020-10-12) using sandbox tester and we are getting the same error “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”. On the page of Apple services status, there is no indication of error.

Anyone from Apple can check if it´s working?

Best regards,

Fernando Jorge Teixeira

i am having same issue since few days back..
Been stuck on this since morning, broken across old and new builds. shows everything as green but not been able to get IAP working.
Issue exists on iOS 13 device. No issue found on iOS 14 device.
I am also having issues with sandbox test. Error: Cannot connect to iTunes Store. I have tried with different emails as well but it s not working. any solution on this we need to publish our app as soon as possible.
Caught this error about 2 days ago and still continue catch it now, all my IAPs are fell off together for one app which I testing before send to review. Creating new accounts for sandbox environment didn't give results. In general, now, when I trying to buy an in-app purchase, the system asks for a password twice and gives an error with StoreKit error.code = 0.
Tested on iOS 12.4, 13.7 with Xcode 12.0.1
Sent mail to Apple support, but no replay yet.
Good to know it is not just myself.

Currently doing sandbox testing for validating the receipt on IOS 13.7 Xcode 12.0, I originally had this issue about a week ago and was able to fix it with nelic advice.

However, today once I updated my changes, it starts to return Cannot connect to Itunes store, response code 0.
So I revert back to the working version and it started to fail again, so frustrating.

What I NOTICED is that when I start the purchase, there is no more Use Existing Account. option!!!

  1. Difference phone device

  2. Reboot device

  3. Pod install

  4. New Sandbox User

Just want to clarify if this is a local issue, or server side issue.

Started having this issue yesterday out of the blue. Tried all the suggestions on this thread with no luck. Finally, updating the device to iOS 14.1 seems to have resolved the problem.
Upgrading to IOS 14 fixed it for now, but it still persists on IOS 13.7, any news from apple side...??? I am surprised how this has been an issue around for so long
The life as an iOS developer is so hard :(
Yeah. iOS 14 is working. Apple has given up iOS 13.
My IAP Sandbox testing has also broken.

Trying to test from a 13.7 device, loaded from Xcode 12. Purchases fail with "Cannot connect to itunes store Code=0" after asking me twice to sign in to my account.
Further update!

Apparently checkout with an apple id that's part of an organisation's internal testing group (NOT sandbox test accounts) will work on testFlight build. Builds approved for external testing may also work with your current apple ID

Test accounts are bricked though.
Update to iOS 14 solve problem, but, how about 12, 13? Apple, please, do something.
Can anyone answer, do you using the StoreKit directly, or are you using something like SwiftyStoreKit?
I am facing the same problem. iOS 12.2.1. However sandbox account holder have no payment verification.

Logged in as apple id - Developer account
In the Itunes&appstore section logged out and showing the sandbox account.

Does anyone facing the same problem in iOS 12?
I am facing the same issue.

In App Purchase: Auto Renewable Subscription
Environment: Sandbox
iOS Version: iOS 13.7

As a sandbox user, entered password twice. Then the transaction fails.
I can confirm.
The same thing is working in iOS 14
I am facing the same issue.
But it working in ios14.
I'm also seeing this on a iOS 13 device. It prompts me twice for the password, then fails with Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "Cannot connect to iTunes Store". I even tried creating a new sandbox test user and still run in to this same error.
iOS 14 devices can purchase no problem.
Same here. : (
Same here. It started failing for me 3 days ago, and I thought it was something about the setup.
Two devices, several re-boots and several Sandbox accounts later I was pretty sure it was not the setup on my side.

Apple please fix this.

This cost me a lot of time and nerves.
Not all devices/setups are iOS 14/Xcode 12 only. Thank you.

Code Block
Xcode 11.7.0
iOS 13.7

In app purchase “Cannot connect to iTunes Store” error for Sandbox user