No accounts with iTunes Connect access Xcode 9

When trying to upload an App to iTunes connect in Xcode 9 GM organizer I get the error

'No accounts with iTunes Connect access have been found for "<team name>". iTunes Connect access is required for App Store Distribution.'

However, uploading worked in Xcode 8, and it still works in the new Application Loader. I tried logging out and back in in Xcode.

yep, all good now - that was painful but I'm glad it's fixed

Apple's server problem! pls fix asap!


+1, this is happening for me as well and it is absurdly frustrating. Have been releasing for years without issue.

Here's how I solved is unclear which of the following was key.

1) The contracts section in iTunesConnect was asking for some new banking information (i.e. was my bank account an individual or corporate account). I answered that. It took about 10 minutes to 'confirm' - meanwhile I did #2 and #3 below.

2) I deleted my iTunes Account account (myname @ gmail . com) from the accounts on my Mac. I then added that account back.

3) I quit Xcode and restarted it.

I quit Xcode and restarted it and it solved the problem.

Just a heads up - I ran into the same issue today for the first time, and I too have Xcode 9 and I have not upgraded to High Sierra yet. With that being said, I did not have Application Loader installed on my machine, so I grabbed it from iTunes Connect and installed it, and it worked beautifully. So the issue with Application Loader might just be that you need to upgrade it now that you have upgraded Xcode?

OMG - how dumb. Restarting Xcode fixes it.

restarting Xcode worked also for me. Thanks

Force quit xcode help me solve this issure.

this help me, i restart xcode and it works!! thanks so much

This works. Click the 'Manage Accounts' button then pick your profile in the list on the left. (Trust me on this next part) Click the ' - ' at the bottom to remove that profile. Then click the ' + ' to add it back in.

thanks cflenser!

Quiting and re-starting Xcode did the trick for me. Works fine now.

AppetiserDev's workaround worked for me.

its still not work for me

I had the same missing info in my banking, was super excited that this would fix it but unfortunately not.

Can't log into Application Loader, though, due to a weird error...

It was safe to delete and restore the account, but it didnt fix anything in my case

I'm having this issue and have been since the iTunes Connect holiday shut down.
I've tried:
- Logging out and back in

- Restarting Xcode

- Updating information in iTunes Connect

- Restarting my Mac

- Re-installing Xcode

None of those work. I also can't log into Application Loader on one machine.

The only thing I have done that worked is to create another admin user on my iTunes Connect account and logged into Xcode with that. That let me upload. This is only a workaround and for £99 a year I do not expect to have to do this. Shocking quality output from Apple of late.

Me neither, I'm still not able to upload.

Apple say they are working on it but so far, nothing. They did have me send a bunch of logs.

Same issue as of Jan 2018

Close XCode and re-open then Validate and Upload worked.

are you sure , because for me its not work , are you test that yourself?

I had the same issue with AppLoader, the thing asked me for an app specific password.

If you have the 2 step authentification enabled with your apple id, AppLoader is not compatible with it an it can't connect.

You should generate an AppSpecific password.

Check the link bellow:

Close and reopen Xcode worked for me too.

Restart worked for me too. Actually it just skipped the error, now i have one about signing, it's unbelievable that after 10yrs the signing is still not working properly.

No accounts with iTunes Connect access Xcode 9