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I am implementing IAP for an autorenewable subscription. I decode the receipt on the device. I noticed in the sandbox that the original_transaction_id is changing for each renewal. (It is always the same as the transaction_id which differs for each renewal, as it should.) Can anyone confirm that this is NOT what happens in production?A WWDC video states that the original_transaction_id for an autorenewable subscription can be used to associate different devices owned by the same user. I had always thought that the original_transaction_id would differ from device to device. Can anyone confirm that in production the original_transaction_id is the same across all devices owned by the same user for an autorenewable subscription?
by PBK.
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I am trying to implement GKVoiceChat between two iPhones (an iPhone X and an iPhone 5s) in iOS11.3.1 Xcode 9.3.1. I have the GameKit connection working fine but not the voice. Has anyone got VoiceChat working? Can anyone see anything wrong in the code here? Thanks...Here is my relevant code:#import <GameKit/GameKit.h> #include <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h> //in a method at the beginning...... AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance]; NSError *error= nil; [audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:&error]; [audioSession setActive:YES error:&error]; if(error){ NSLog(@"audioSession: %@ %ld %@", [error domain], (long)[error code], [[error userInfo] description]); }else{ [audioSession overrideOutputAudioPort:AVAudioSessionPortOverrideSpeaker error:&error]; if(error){ NSLog(@"audioSession1: %@ %ld %@", [error domain], (long)[error code], [[error userInfo] description]); }else{ if( [GKVoiceChat isVoIPAllowed]){ allChannel=[[GKVoiceChat alloc] init]; allChannel=[myMatch voiceChatWithName:@"allPlayers"]; if(allChannel){ allChannel.volume = 1.0;; [self performSelector:@selector(delayedStart) withObject:nil afterDelay:6.0f];//give Game Center a chance to respond }else{ NSLog(@"no channel was oppend"); } }else{ NSLog(@"voip not allowed"); } } } -(void)delayedStart{ [allChannel start]; NSLog(@"started"); }Here are the errors I get that I don't think are relevant. They all occur before the delayed call to [allChannel start] and they are there whether or not I implement any of the GKVoiceChat code. I think they are bugs in the GKMatch system. I am ignoring them://these errors occur before the match has been found and before the code above is executed: 2018-05-17 21:05:31.006119-0400 Go[477:67899] [log] [ERROR] gckSessionCheckPendingConnections:1438 gckSessionCheckPendingConnections: iICEChecksLeft=0, iUnconnectedNodeCount=0, iDDsExpected=1 2018-05-17 21:05:31.063331-0400 Go[477:67847] [log] [ERROR] ICEStopConnectivityCheck:2688 ICEStopConnectivityCheck() found no ICE check with call id (2019854734) 2018-05-17 21:05:31.065208-0400 Go[477:67847] [log] [ERROR] gckSessionCheckPendingConnections:1438 gckSessionCheckPendingConnections: iICEChecksLeft=0, iUnconnectedNodeCount=0, iDD // the next line occurs when there is a call to matchmakerViewController:viewControllerDidFindMatch: and the code above is then executed 2018-05-17 21:05:35.251683-0400 Go[477:67566] [Error] Extension request cancelled with error: Error Domain=NSExtensionErrorDomain Code=-2 "Extension cancelled by host." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Extension cancelled by host.}Here are the errors I get after setting the GKVoiceChat object to start (i.e. after that 6 second delay):2018-05-17 21:05:40.766056-0400 Go[477:67566] started 2018-05-17 21:05:41.310557-0400 Go[477:67895] [log] [ERROR] openLogDump:65 failed to open /var/mobile/Library/Caches/ with error 1 2018-05-17 21:05:41.449639-0400 Go[477:68033] [] WiFi:[548298341.448992]: Missing entitlement 2018-05-17 21:05:41.449986-0400 Go[477:68033] [] WiFi:[548298341.449970]: Missing entitlement 2018-05-17 21:05:41.450418-0400 Go[477:68033] [] WiFi:[548298341.450400]: Missing entitlement 2018-05-17 21:05:41.451010-0400 Go[477:68033] [] WiFi:[548298341.450924]: Missing entitlement 2018-05-17 21:05:41.451625-0400 Go[477:68033] [] WiFi:[548298341.451608]: Missing entitlement 2018-05-17 21:05:43.648429-0400 Go[477:67566] Bad response from apsd: Connection interrupted 2018-05-17 21:05:43.662956-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] Remote loader crashed for request: <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x10ba1bb60> { URL: } 2018-05-17 21:05:43.664051-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] => Retrying... (0/5) retries 2018-05-17 21:05:43.667507-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] Remote loader crashed for request: <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x10ba1bb60> { URL: } 2018-05-17 21:05:43.667646-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] => Retrying... (1/5) retries 2018-05-17 21:05:45.845023-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] Remote loader crashed for request: <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x10ba1bb60> { URL: } 2018-05-17 21:05:45.845205-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] => Retrying... (2/5) retries 2018-05-17 21:05:46.484616-0400 Go[477:67895] [log] VideoConference [ERROR] -[VideoConference inviteDataForParticipantID:callID:remoteInviteData:nonCellularCandidateTimeout:error:]:855 VideoConference: CALLID MISMATCH 0x10bb332e0 client callID 6161504380 internal callID 0 2018-05-17 21:05:46.490559-0400 Go[477:68030] [log] [ERROR] VCAudioReceiver_DiscardQueueExcess:454 AudioReceiver is NULL 2018-05-17 21:05:46.490986-0400 Go[477:68030] [log] [ERROR] VCAudioReceiver_DiscardQueueExcess:454 AudioReceiver is NULL 2018-05-17 21:05:50.246310-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] Remote loader crashed for request: <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x10ba1bb60> { URL: } 2018-05-17 21:05:50.246469-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] => Retrying... (3/5) retries 2018-05-17 21:05:52.019693-0400 Go[477:67895] [log] VCCallSession [ERROR] -[VCCallSession startConnectionWithParticipantID:callID:usingInviteData:isCaller:capabilities:idsSocket:destination:error:]_block_invoke:2215 - Reporting not available (no backends) 2018-05-17 21:05:56.819849-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] Remote loader crashed for request: <NSMutableURLRequest: 0x10ba1bb60> { URL: } 2018-05-17 21:05:56.820068-0400 Go[477:67566] [Warning] => Retrying... (4/5) retries
by PBK.
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FYI - There appears to be a bug in the sandbox. When you do a restoreCompletedTransactions it will call updatedTransactions for each purchase that is being restored. But it will call with a transaction.transactionState equal to SKPaymentStatePurchased not SKPaymentStateRestored. After multiple calls to updatedTransactions with the wrong transaction.transactionState it will correctly call paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:
by PBK.
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I am looking for a way to limit the reuse of a one-time offer in an app. For example, a feature that is available for a period of time and subsequently must be purchased through an IAP. I am concerned that the 'free trial' period in a 'free' non-consumable IAP or an autorenewable subscription can be 'hacked' by creating multiple App Store accounts. (Is that concern unwarrented?) While I am concerned about multiple App Store accounts, I am not concerned about multiple Apple ID's because it is a sufficient pain to change a device's Apple ID that I can allow that 'hack'. I do not need to know who the user is - I just need a permanent identifier for the user (or the device) that records 'first use of app' by the user or by the device. (DeviceCheck requires a server and is just a bit too complicated.)1) I can't use identifierForVendor because it gets reset on app delete-and-reinstall.2) I am told I can no longer reliably use the keychain (my current solution) because in various betas and perhaps the latest iOS it gets wiped out on app deletion.3) I am told that the user's iCloud key-value can be deleted by the user through the Settings app after app deletion.A) Can I use the user's CloudKit private database as a place to store permanent information? Will it survive deletion of the app and the user removing the app from being able to access CloudKit?B) Can I use the user's userRecord in the public database in CloudKit? Will it survive deletion of the app and the user removing the app from being able to access CloudKit?C) Is there any other way to leave a permanent record on a user's device or elsewhere?
by PBK.
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Does anyone know if the following records/files are 'permanent'? That is, are they deleted when the user deletes the app, logs out of iCloud and denys the app access to CloudKit/iCloud Drive?1) The user's iCloud key-value file for the app.2) Files in the user's CloudKit private database.3) The user's userRecord in the public database in CloudKit.4) The iCloud keychain entries for the app.
by PBK.
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My app (in production environment) stopped generating push notifications based on a CKSubscription firing. This seems to have happened within the past few hours. Has anyone else noticed a problem or can anyone confirm that CloudKit CKSubscriptions contnue to work for them?
by PBK.
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Since July 11th my CloudKit Dashboard shows no push notifications (Production, Telemetry) and the Logs show no pushes however I have been receiving them every hour. Is anyone seeing the Dashboard correctly displaying or incorrectly not displaying pushes since July 11th?
by PBK.
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Since IAPs were first created you were not allowed to unlock code in an app using anything other than IAPs (aka 3.1.3 first bullet). That has now changed. New guideline 3.1.3(b) (see below) allows an app to accept a purchase from another platform and use that to "access content, subscriptions, or features". "(F)eatures" here means unlocking code. This new 3.1.3(b) supercedes many of my past comments. Thank you anti-trust law.3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services: Apps that operate across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscriptions, or features they have acquired elsewhere, including consumable items in multi-platform games, provided those items are also available as in-app purchases within the app. You must not directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing methods must not discourage use of in-app purchase.
by PBK.
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When I query CloudKit using the Dashboard (Production/data) I get the first 200 records. At the bottom of the screen it states "200 Records listed". Sometimes it also includes an option button "Show more" - but not always. How do I get that option button to appear if I know there are more records to display?
by PBK.
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