Master/Detail works fine across iPadOS and iOS in fullscreen mode, but when I engage SplitView the Master view will change as I select an object, but never reveals the detail view.
If I go back to full screen, or more than half of the screen available, it starts to work again
It appears to be related to .listStyle(.grouped) which I had on my Master view. Removing that has solved the problem completely.
It appears that the setBccRecipients call on MFMailComposeViewController is not working for Catalyst.The same code works on iOS, and it works on Catalyst in setCcRecipients and setToRecipients variations correctly, and the documentation says the call is supported, but it returns an error message saying: "setToBccRecipients is not supported" and does nothing.This is odd, because it is getting the name of the call wrong, as well.Has anyone else encountered this problem?