SubscriptionStoreView does not list a promoted subscription


I am using SubscriptionStoreViews to list 2 subscriptions, both in the same group.. a monthly subscription and a six monthly subscription. Both work and appear in the list presented by SubscriptionStoreView.

However when I go to AppStore Connect and select the six monthly subscription to be a promoted subscription, it can now be selected and purchased on the AppStore but no longer appears in my SubscriptionStorekit View.

Is this expected behaviour and should I create a duplicate six month subscription which is not promoted, or is there a better solution?

Many thanks


Are you using init(groupID:visibleRelationships:) with Product.SubscriptionRelationship.all? If yes, this might need a closer look, please file a ticket via and share the ticket number here. Please include sample code and relevant screenshots and / or screen videos to help with the investigation. Thank you!

SubscriptionStoreView does not list a promoted subscription