Cannot Accept Development Team Invitation (Infinite credentials requirement) issue

Hi everyone, hope someone can help me. I have received an invitation to join a development team, when i press on "Accept invitation" i am redirected to this page:***&username=xxxx The page ask for my Apple ID credential, but when i prompt it it show a spinning loader and the it ask for my credential again infinitely, without any error or message.

In the general header, there is the Status Code = 400 Bad Request

I am getting the following response from the update API :

  "data" : {
    "errorString" : "ITC.multipleProviderInterstitial.invitationInvalid.title",
    "providerId" : null,
    "publicProviderId" : null
  "messages" : {
    "warn" : null,
    "info" : null,
    "error" : null
  "statusCode" : "SUCCESS",
  "links" : null

Can someone help me out in this?

Cannot Accept Development Team Invitation (Infinite credentials requirement) issue