How do subscription promotional offers work for currently subscribed customers?


I'm trying to understand what happens when a subscribed customer of a subscription A purchases a promotional offer for the same subscription A.

Let's say the product is a yearly subscription priced at $100. When the month 7 starts (6 months remaining in the regular subscription period), I send the user a promotional offer for the same product but priced at $25 for the first year (100$ afterwards) and he accepts the offer.

Is the promotional offer started only at the end of the current year (after the 6 remaining months) or is it started immediately and he gets a pro-rata refund for the 6 remaining months?


correct, offers to the same product will always be applied upon renewal.


Can you share what happens if the products are different? Does it follow the subscription group ranking logic (upgrade starts immediately with a refund, downgrade starts when the active subscription ends, cross grade behaves like a downgrade if duration are different)?

exactly, the standard plan change logic will apply.

Given the user is subscribed to a recurring subscription, can we offer a promo offer on that same product that applies to the next billing cycle?

Currently, when we try to do this, the client produces an error when attempting to apply the promo offer, saying the user is already on the subscription.

How do subscription promotional offers work for currently subscribed customers?