TestFlight macos >= 13 run app code signature invalid

When start app from TestFlight and macos >= 13,has a code signature invalid error

'/Applications/mac-ci-appstore.app/Contents/Frameworks/***.framework/Versions/A/***' (code signature invalid in <BED9CDF6-C616-3AB0-819F-7B6FD5896709> '/Applications/mac-ci-appstore.app/Contents/Frameworks/***.framework/Versions/A/***' (errno=1) sliceOffset=0x00004000, codeBlobOffset=0x000A3880, codeBlobSize=0x00006EF0),

start it from macos <= 12,no error happen,how to fix it on macos >= 13,I have no idea.

all devices add in device lists. codesign verify then app is ok too.

If you are in a hurry, you can communicate with me by email. myEmail = "yangscalvin" + "@" + "gmail.com"

TestFlight macos &gt;= 13 run app code signature invalid