Install Xcode iOS hard without AppleStore etc


I have programmed an app for iOS that is supposed to be just for me. This app contains data that only concerns me and should not be stored on Apple's servers. Is it possible to install the finished app on the iPhone on the Mac so that it is still on the iPhone after several months? Since the preview no longer works after a few days and that's not the right way....

Does anyone have any ideas or have I just not looked properly and there is already such an option?

Best regards

Hello :)

One opportunity might be to connect your iPhone to your Mac. Simply by choosing your iPhone as a run device and executing, Xcode will install your application on your device. After that you can use your application. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask :)

Hello, no I do not have an Apple Developer license. I also just want to have an app on my iPhone that is only available to me. Because it contains personal data that only concerns me (password etc.). I've heard that I have to buy a €100 license for this, but I can't quite believe that I have to spend so much money every year. As the app doesn't earn me any money and is only an aid for my self-built SmartHome. I hope Apple is not serious about this....

Install Xcode iOS hard without AppleStore etc